NS NihilScio
( Dickens The Pickwick papers ) Mr. Pickwick's temporary excitement began to sober down a little, as hereflected upon the inconveniences and dangers of the expedition in whichhe had so thoughtlessly embarked.

I haven't touched a drop of spirits this morning,' said the man, whowas as sober a fellow as need be.

The water in the professionalpipkin having been made to boil, in course of time, by various littleshovelfuls of coal, which Mr. Bob Sawyer took out of a practicablewindow-seat, labelled 'Soda Water,' Mr. Winkle adulterated his brandy;and the conversation was becoming general, when it was interruptedby the entrance into the shop of a boy, in a sober gray livery and agold-laced hat, with a small covered basket under his arm, whom Mr. BobSawyer immediately hailed with, 'Tom, you vagabond, come here.

Mr. Bob Sawyer, understanding the message, after some twentyrepetitions, tied a wet cloth round his head to sober himself, and,having partially succeeded, put on his green spectacles and issuedforth.