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The fat boy sauntered heavily behind them with the animal; and the oldgentleman, condoling with his guests in homely phrase on so much of theday's adventures as they thought proper to communicate, led the way tothe kitchen.

Beyondthe few lazy and reckless vagabonds with whom he sauntered away his timein the fields, or sotted in the ale-house, he had not a single friendor acquaintance; no one cared to speak to the man whom many feared, andevery one detested--and Edmunds was shunned by all.

( Dickens The Pickwick papers ) Mr. Weller having obtained leave of absence from Mr. Pickwick, who, inhis then state of excitement and worry, was by no means displeased atbeing left alone, set forth, long before the appointed hour, and havingplenty of time at his disposal, sauntered down as far as the MansionHouse, where he paused and contemplated, with a face of great calmnessand philosophy, the numerous cads and drivers of short stages whoassemble near that famous place of resort, to the great terror andconfusion of the old-lady population of these realms.

As he was sauntering away his spare time, and stopped to look atalmost every object that met his gaze, it is by no means surprisingthat Mr. Weller should have paused before a small stationer's andprint-seller's window; but without further explanation it does appearsurprising that his eyes should have no sooner rested on certainpictures which were exposed for sale therein, than he gave a suddenstart, smote his right leg with great vehemence, and exclaimed, withenergy, 'if it hadn't been for this, I should ha' forgot all about it,till it was too late!'The particular picture on which Sam Weller's eyes were fixed, as he saidthis, was a highly-coloured representation of a couple of human heartsskewered together with an arrow, cooking before a cheerful fire, while amale and female cannibal in modern attire, the gentleman being clad in ablue coat and white trousers, and the lady in a deep red pelisse witha parasol of the same, were approaching the meal with hungry eyes, up aserpentine gravel path leading thereunto.

"(Chesterton The secret of father Brown ) While the rest went off rejoicing, with Hardcastle for the hero of thehour, the little Phrenologist with the whiskers sauntered back towardshis preposterous tent.