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For, though elated by his rank, it did not render himsupercilious; on the contrary, he was all attention to everybody.

As for my fair cousins, thoughmy absence may not be long enough to render it necessary, I shall nowtake the liberty of wishing them health and happiness, not excepting mycousin Elizabeth.

Mr.Snodgrass, as usual, took a great mass of notes, which would no doubthave afforded most useful and valuable information, had not the burningeloquence of the words or the feverish influence of the wine made thatgentleman's hand so extremely unsteady, as to render his writingnearly unintelligible, and his style wholly so.

Fromthat contest, Sir, although it may unsettle men's minds and excite theirfeelings, and render them incapable for the discharge of the everydayduties of ordinary life; from that contest, sir, I will never shrink,till I have set my heel upon the Eatanswill INDEPENDENT.

Nothing seemed wanting to render the selectcircle complete, when Mr. Leo Hunter--whose department on theseoccasions, was to stand about in doorways, and talk to the lessimportant people--suddenly called out--'My dear; here's Mr. CharlesFitz-Marshall.

( Dickens The Pickwick papers ) 'Well, sir,' said Mr. Pickwick, with the profound solemnity with whichthat great man could, when he pleased, render his remarks so deeplyimpressive.

Mulberry agin all natur, for tears andwillainny!Sam,' said Mr. Pickwick, 'if I am to render myself intelligible to thisgentleman, I must beg you to control your feelings.

Mixed up with the pleasure and joy of theoccasion, are the many regrets at quitting home, the tears of partingbetween parent and child, the consciousness of leaving the dearest andkindest friends of the happiest portion of human life, to encounter itscares and troubles with others still untried and little known--naturalfeelings which we would not render this chapter mournful by describing,and which we should be still more unwilling to be supposed to ridicule.