NS NihilScio
She'll murder me; Iknow she will.

I have starved her and the boy too; and now I am weak and helpless, Jem,she'll murder me for it; I know she will.

A conspiracy todefeat the ends of justice, and murder its officers.

Thenthere'll be murder before this trial's over; that's all.

( Dickens The Pickwick papers ) '"As you may guess from what you have seen," said the young lady,"the party were prepared to murder me if I appealed to any one forassistance.

"I can tell you, people gotconsiderably worked up about Gallup's murder, and Stein's murder, andthen old man Merton's murder, and now Judge Gwynne's murder, and adouble murder by Dalmon, who was well known in the States.

"(Chesterton The secret of father Brown ) The trial of Osric Orm for the murder of Sir Humphrey Gwynne, whichfilled the newspapers for so many weeks, really turned entirely on thesame crux as that little talk under the lamp-post, when the grey-green dawn was breaking about the dark streets and gardens.

"Some people are saying he went beyond the usuallimit and that the prosecutor in a murder case oughtn't to be sovindictive.