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, the landlady, assisted by a chambermaid, proceeded to vinegar theforehead, beat the hands, titillate the nose, and unlace the stays ofthe spinster aunt, and to administer such other restoratives as areusually applied by compassionate females to ladies who are endeavouringto ferment themselves into hysterics.

( Dickens The Pickwick papers ) 'Who are you, you rascal?' said the captain, administering several pokesto Mr. Pickwick's body with the thick stick.

It's natur; ain't it, cook?Don't ask me, imperence,' replied the cook, in a high state of delight;and hereupon the cook and Mary laughed again, till what between thebeer, and the cold meat, and the laughter combined, the latter younglady was brought to the verge of choking--an alarming crisis from whichshe was only recovered by sundry pats on the back, and other necessaryattentions, most delicately administered by Mr. Samuel Weller.

"You!" He appeared disposed to add more, but indignation chokedhis utterance, so he lifted up one of his very pliable legs, and,flourishing it above his head a little, to insure his aim, administereda good sound kick to Gabriel Grub; immediately after which, all thegoblins in waiting crowded round the wretched sexton, and kicked himwithout mercy, according to the established and invariable custom ofcourtiers upon earth, who kick whom royalty kicks, and hug whom royaltyhugs.

With a violent effort, Mr. Weller disengaged himself from the grasp ofthe agonised Pickwickian, and, in so doing, administered a considerableimpetus to the unhappy Mr. Winkle.

( Dickens The Pickwick papers ) All this time, the man in the spectacles was hard at work, swearing theclerks; the oath being invariably administered, without any effort atpunctuation, and usually in the following terms:--'Take the book in your right hand this is your name and hand-writing youswear that the contents of this your affidavit are true so help you Goda shilling you must get change I haven't got it.