Presente | |
Yo soy hurgado soy hurgada... Tu eres hurgado eres hurgada... El/Ella/Eso es hurgado es hurgada... Nosotros somos hurgados somos hurgadas... Vosotros seis hurgados seis hurgadas... Ellos/Ellas/Esos son hurgados son hurgadas...
| I am rooted You are rooted He/She/It is rooted We are rooted You are rooted They are rooted
Pretérito imperfecto | |
Yo era hurgado era hurgada... Tu eras hurgado eras hurgada... El/Ella/Eso era hurgado era hurgada... Nosotros �ramos hurgados �ramos hurgadas... Vosotros erais hurgados erais hurgadas... Ellos/Ellas/Esos eran hurgados eran hurgadas...
| I was being rooted You were being rooted He/She/It was being rooted We were being rooted You were being rooted They were being rooted
Pretérito perfecto | |
Yo fui hurgado fui hurgada... Tu fuiste hurgado fuiste hurgada... El/Ella/Eso fue hurgado fue hurgada... Nosotros fuimos hurgados fuimos hurgadas... Vosotros fuisteis hurgados fuisteis hurgadas... Ellos/Ellas/Esos fueron hurgados fueron hurgadas...
| I was rooted You were rooted He/She/It was rooted We were rooted You were rooted They were rooted
Pretérito perfecto | |
Yo he sido hurgado he sido hurgada... Tu has sido hurgado has sido hurgada... El/Ella/Eso ha sido hurgado ha sido hurgada... Nosotros hemos sido hurgados hemos sido hurgadas... Vosotros hab�is sido hurgados hab�is sido hurgadas... Ellos/Ellas/Esos han sido hurgados han sido hurgadas...
| I have been rooted You have been rooted He/She/It has been rooted We have been rooted You have been rooted They have been rooted
Pretérito plusquamperfecto | |
Yo hab�a sido hurgado hab�a sido hurgada... Tu hab�as sido hurgado hab�as sido hurgada... El/Ella/Eso hab�a sido hurgado hab�a sido hurgada... Nosotros hab�amos sido hurgados hab�amos sido hurgadas... Vosotros hab�as sido hurgados hab�as sido hurgadas... Ellos/Ellas/Esos hab�an sido hurgados hab�an sido hurgadas...
| I had been rooted You had been rooted He/She/It had been rooted We had been rooted You had been rooted They had been rooted
Pretérito anterior | |
Yo hube sido hurgado hube sido hurgada... Tu hubiste sido hurgado hubiste sido hurgada... El/Ella/Eso hubo sido hurgado hubo sido hurgada... Nosotros hubimos sido hurgados hubimos sido hurgadas... Vosotros hubisteis sido hurgados hubisteis sido hurgadas... Ellos/Ellas/Esos hubieron sido hurgados hubieron sido hurgadas...
| I had been rooted You had been rooted He/She/It had been rooted We had been rooted You had been rooted They had been rooted
Futuro imperfecto | |
Yo ser� hurgado ser� hurgada... Tu ser�s hurgado ser�s hurgada... El/Ella/Eso ser� hurgado ser� hurgada... Nosotros seremos hurgados seremos hurgadas... Vosotros sereis hurgados sereis hurgadas... Ellos/Ellas/Esos ser�n hurgados ser�n hurgadas...
| I will be rooted You will be rooted He/She/It will be rooted We will be rooted You will be rooted They will be rooted
Futuro anterior | |
Yo habr� sido hurgado habr� sido hurgada... Tu habr�s sido hurgado habr�s sido hurgada... El/Ella/Eso habr� sido hurgado habr� sido hurgada... Nosotros habremos sido hurgados habremos sido hurgadas... Vosotros habreis sido hurgados habreis sido hurgadas... Ellos/Ellas/Esos habr�n sido hurgados habr�n sido hurgadas...
| I will have been rooted You will have been rooted He/She/It will have been rooted We will have been rooted You will have been rooted They will have been rooted
Presente | |
Yo sea hurgado sea hurgada... Tu seas hurgado seas hurgada... El/Ella/Eso sea hurgado sea hurgada... Nosotros seamos hurgados seamos hurgadas... Vosotros se�is hurgados se�is hurgadas... Ellos/Ellas/Esos sean hurgados sean hurgadas...
| I (that )may be rooted You (that )may be rooted He/She/It (that )may be rooted We (that )may be rooted You (that )may be rooted They (that )may be rooted
Pretérito imperfecto | |
Yo fuere hurgado fuere hurgada... Tu fueres hurgado fueres hurgada... El/Ella/Eso fuere hurgado fuere hurgada... Nosotros fu�remos hurgados fu�remos hurgadas... Vosotros fuereis hurgados fuereis hurgadas... Ellos/Ellas/Esos fueren hurgados fueren hurgadas...
| I (that )might be rooted You (that )might be rooted He/She/It (that )might be rooted We (that )might be rooted You (that )might be rooted They (that )might be rooted
Pretérito perfecto | |
Yo haya sido hurgado haya sido hurgada... Tu hayas sido hurgado hayas sido hurgada... El/Ella/Eso haya sido hurgado haya sido hurgada... Nosotros hayamos sido hurgados hayamos sido hurgadas... Vosotros hay�is sido hurgados hay�is sido hurgadas... Ellos/Ellas/Esos hayan sido hurgados hayan sido hurgadas...
| I (whether) was rooted You (whether) were rooted He/She/It (whether) was rooted We (whether) were rooted You (whether) were rooted They (whether) were rooted
Plusquamperfecto | |
Yo hubiere sido hurgado hubiere sido hurgada... Tu hubieres sido hurgado hubieres sido hurgada... El/Ella/Eso hubiere sido hurgado hubiere sido hurgada... Nosotros hubi�remos sido hurgados hubi�remos sido hurgadas... Vosotros hubierei sido hurgados hubierei sido hurgadas... Ellos/Ellas/Esos hubieren sido hurgados hubieren sido hurgadas...
| I (whether) had been rooted You (whether) had been rooted He/She/It (whether) had been rooted We (whether) had been rooted You (whether) had been rooted They (whether) had been rooted
Presente | |
Yo ser�a hurgado ser�a hurgada... Tu ser�as hurgado ser�as hurgada... El/Ella/Eso ser�a hurgado ser�a hurgada... Nosotros ser�amos hurgados ser�amos hurgadas... Vosotros ser�ais hurgados ser�ais hurgadas... Ellos/Ellas/Esos ser�an hurgados ser�an hurgadas...
| I would be root You would be root He/She/It would be root We would be root You would be root They would be root
Pasado | |
Yo habr�a sido hurgado habr�a sido hurgada... Tu habr�as sido hurgado habr�as sido hurgada... El/Ella/Eso habr�a sido hurgados habr�a sido hurgadas... Nosotros habr�amos sido hurgados habr�amos sido hurgadas... Vosotros habr�ais sido hurgados habr�ais sido hurgadas... Ellos/Ellas/Esos habr�an sido hurgados habr�an sido hurgadas...
| I would have been rooted You would have been rooted He/She/It would have been rooted We would have been rooted You would have been rooted They would have been rooted
Presente | |
Yo siendo hurgado siendo hurgada... Tu he sido hurgado he sido hurgada... El/Ella/Eso has sido hurgado has sido hurgada... Nosotros ha sido hurgado ha sido hurgada... Vosotros hemos sido hurgados hemos sido hurgadas... Ellos/Ellas/Esos hab�is sido hurgados hab�is sido hurgadas...
| being rooted rooted having been rooted have been rooted have been rooted has been rooted
Presente | |
han sido hurgados han sido hurgadas...
| being rooted
Pretérito perfecto | |
hurgado hurgados, hurgada, hurgados, hurgado, hurgadas...
| rooted
Presente | |
ser hurgado ser hurgada...
| to be rooted
Pretérito perfecto | |
haber sido hurgado haber sido hurgada...
| have been rooted
Presente | |
siendo hurgado siendo hurgada...
| being rooted
Pretérito perfecto | |
habiendo sido hurgado habiendo sido hurgada...
| having been rooted