Presente | |
Yo gravito Tu gravitas El/Ella/Eso gravita Nosotros gravitamos Vosotros gravit�is Ellos/Ellas/Esos gravitan
| I gravitate You gravitate He/She/It gravitates We gravitate You gravitate They gravitate
Pretérito imperfecto | |
Yo gravitaba Tu gravitabas El/Ella/Eso gravitaba Nosotros gravitabamos Vosotros gravitabais Ellos/Ellas/Esos gravitaban
| I was gravitating You were gravitating He/She/It was gravitating We were gravitating You were gravitating They were gravitating
Pretérito perfecto | |
Yo gravit� Tu gravitaste El/Ella/Eso gravit� Nosotros gravitamos Vosotros gravitasteis Ellos/Ellas/Esos gravitaron
| I gravitated You gravitated He/She/It gravitated We gravitated You gravitated They gravitated
Pretérito perfecto | |
Yo he gravitado Tu has gravitado El/Ella/Eso ha gravitado Nosotros hemos gravitado Vosotros hab�is gravitado Ellos/Ellas/Esos han gravitado
| I have gravitated You have gravitated He/She/It has gravitated We have gravitated You have gravitated They have gravitated
Pretérito plusquamperfecto | |
Yo hab�a gravitado Tu hab�as gravitado El/Ella/Eso hab�a gravitado Nosotros hab�amos gravitado Vosotros hab�ais gravitado Ellos/Ellas/Esos hab�an gravitado
| I had gravitated You had gravitated He/She/It had gravitated We had gravitated You had gravitated They had gravitated
Pretérito anterior | |
Yo hube gravitado Tu hubiste gravitado El/Ella/Eso hubo gravitado Nosotros hubimos gravitado Vosotros hubisteis gravitado Ellos/Ellas/Esos hubieron gravitado
| I had gravitated You had gravitated He/She/It had gravitated We had gravitated You had gravitated They had gravitated
Futuro imperfecto | |
Yo gravitar� Tu gravitaras El/Ella/Eso gravitar� Nosotros gravitaremos Vosotros gravitareis Ellos/Ellas/Esos gravitar�n
| I will gravitate You will gravitate He/She/It will gravitate We will gravitate You will gravitate They will gravitate
Futuro anterior | |
Yo habr� gravitado Tu habr�s gravitado El/Ella/Eso habr� gravitado Nosotros habremos gravitado Vosotros habr�is gravitado Ellos/Ellas/Esos habr�n gravitado
| I will have gravitated You will have gravitated He/She/It will have gravitated We will have gravitated You will have gravitated They will have gravitated
Presente | |
Yo gravite Tu gravites El/Ella/Eso gravite Nosotros gravitemos Vosotros gravit�is Ellos/Ellas/Esos graviten
| I (that )may gravitate You (that )may gravitate He/She/It (that )may gravitate We (that )may gravitate You (that )may gravitate They (that )may gravitate
Pretérito imperfecto | |
Yo gravitara Tu gravitaras El/Ella/Eso gravitara Nosotros gravit�ramos Vosotros gravitarais Ellos/Ellas/Esos gravitaran
| I (that )might gravitate You (that )might gravitate He/She/It (that )might gravitate We (that )might gravitate You (that )might gravitate They (that )might gravitate
Pretérito perfecto | |
Yo haya gravitado Tu hayas gravitado El/Ella/Eso haya gravitado Nosotros hayamos gravitado Vosotros hay�is gravitado Ellos/Ellas/Esos hayan gravitado
| I (whether) gravitated You (whether) gravitated He/She/It (whether) gravitated We (whether) gravitated You (whether) gravitated They (whether) gravitated
Plusquamperfecto | |
Yo hubiera gravitado Tu hubieras gravitado El/Ella/Eso hubiera gravitado Nosotros hubi�ramos gravitado Vosotros hubierais gravitado Ellos/Ellas/Esos hubieran gravitado
| I (whether) had gravitated You (whether) had gravitated He/She/It (whether) had gravitated We (whether) had gravitated You (whether) had gravitated They (whether) had gravitated
Presente | |
Yo gravitar�a Tu gravitar�as El/Ella/Eso gravitar�a Nosotros gravitar�amos Vosotros gravitar�ais Ellos/Ellas/Esos gravitar�an
| I would gravitate You would gravitate He/She/It would gravitate We would gravitate You would gravitate They would gravitate
Pasado | |
Yo habr�a gravitado Tu habr�as gravitado El/Ella/Eso habr�a gravitado Nosotros habr�amos gravitado Vosotros habr�ais gravitado Ellos/Ellas/Esos habr�an gravitado
| I would have gravitated You would have gravitated He/She/It would have gravitated We would have gravitated You would have gravitated They would have gravitated
Presente | |
Yo - Tu gravita El/Ella/Eso gravite Nosotros gravitemos Vosotros gravitad Ellos/Ellas/Esos graviten
| let me gravitate gravitate let him gravitate let us gravitate gravitate let them gravitate
Presente | |
que gravita
| gravitating
Pretérito perfecto | |
| gravitated
Presente | |
| gravitate
Pretérito perfecto | |
haber gravitado
| have gravitated
Presente | |
| gravitating
Pretérito perfecto | |
habiendo gravitado
| having gravitated