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- Full conjugation of pati pati = pati: Verbo deponente INFINITIVE Present |
Conjugation of: patior, patĕris, , - , pati conjugation: 3 - transitivo - passiva (Ita) = tollerare, resistere, (eng) = bear, undergo, suffer, allow, leave, let be,   (esp) = sobrellevar, lang. Latino |
Present | |
ego patior tu patĕris ille patĭtur nos patĭmur vos patimĭni illi patiuntur | I am borne You are borne He/She/It is borne We are borne You are borne They are borne |
Imperfect | |
ego patiēbar tu patiebāris ille patiebātur nos patiebāmur vos patiebamĭni illi patiebantur | I was being borne You were being borne He/She/It was being borne We were being borne You were being borne They were being borne |
Future | |
ego patiar tu patiēris ille patiētur nos patiēmur vos patiemĭni illi patientur | I will be borne You will be borne He/She/It will be borne We will be borne You will be borne They will be borne |
Present | |
ego patiar tu patiaris ille patiatur nos patiamur vos patiamini illi patiantur | I (that )may be borne You (that )may be borne He/She/It (that )may be borne We (that )may be borne You (that )may be borne They (that )may be borne |
Imperfect | |
ego paterer tu patereris ille pateretur nos pateremur vos pateremini illi paterentur | I (that )might be borne You (that )might be borne He/She/It (that )might be borne We (that )might be borne You (that )might be borne They (that )might be borne |
Present | |
ego paterer tu patereris ille pateretur nos pateremur vos pateremini illi paterentur | I would be bear You would be bear He/She/It would be bear We would be bear You would be bear They would be bear |
Present | |
pati | to be borne |
Masculine | ought to be borne |
Singolare | Plurale |
Nom.patiendus Gen.patiendi Dat.patiendo Acc.patiendum Voc.patiende Abl.patiendo | patiendi patiendorum patiendis patiendos patiendi patiendis |
Feminine | |
Nom.patienda Gen.patiendae Dat.patiendae Acc.patiendam Voc.patienda Abl.patienda | patiendae patiendarum patiendis patiendas patiendae patiendis |
Neuter | |
Nom.patiendum Gen.patiendi Dat.patiendo Acc.patiendum Voc.patiendum Abl.patiendo | patienda patiendorum patiendis patienda patienda patiendis |
- Full conjugation of patere Active voice |
Conjugation of: patior, patĕris, passus sum, passa sum, passum sum..., - , pati conjugation: 3 - transitivo - deponente (Ita) = tollerare, sopportare, patire, permettere, (costruzione - accusativo + infinito - quin + congiuntivo se la frase è negativa), (eng) = bear, undergo, suffer, allow, leave, let be,   (esp) = sobrellevar, lang. Latino |
Present | |
ego patior tu patĕris ille patĭtur nos patĭmur vos patimĭni illi patiuntur | I bear You bear He/She/It bears We bear You bear They bear |
Imperfect | |
ego patiēbar tu patiebāris ille patiebātur nos patiebāmur vos patiebamĭni illi patiebantur | I was bearing You were bearing He/She/It was bearing We were bearing You were bearing They were bearing |
Perfect | |
ego passus sum, passa sum, passum sum... tu passus es, passa es, passum es... ille passus est, passa est, passum est... nos passi sumus, passae sumus, passa sumus... vos passi estis, passae estis, passa estis... illi passi sunt, passae sunt, passa sunt... | I bore You bore He/She/It bore We bore You bore They bore |
Perfect | |
ego passus sum, passa sum, passum sum... tu passus es, passa es, passum es... ille passus est, passa est, passum est... nos passi sumus, passae sumus, passa sumus... vos passi estis, passae estis, passa estis... illi passi sunt, passae sunt, passa sunt... | I have borne You have borne He/She/It has borne We have borne You have borne They have borne |
PlusPerfect | |
ego passus eram, passa eram, passum eram... tu passus eras, passa eras, passum eras... ille passus erat, passa erat, passum erat... nos passi erāmus, passae eramus, passa eramus... vos passi erātis, passae eratis, passa eratis... illi passi erant, passae erant, passa erant... | I had borne You had borne He/She/It had borne We had borne You had borne They had borne |
Plusperfect | |
ego passus sum, passa sum, passum sum... tu passus es, passa es, passum es... ille passus est, passa est, passum est... nos passi sumus, passae sumus, passa sumus... vos passi estis, passae estis, passa estis... illi passi sunt, passae sunt, passa sunt... | |
Pluperfect | |
ego passus eram, passa eram, passum eram... tu passus eras, passa eras, passum eras... ille passus erat, passa erat, passum erat... nos passi erāmus, passae eramus, passa eramus... vos passi erātis, passae eratis, passa eratis... illi passi erant, passae erant, passa erant... | I had borne You had borne He/She/It had borne We had borne You had borne They had borne |
Future | |
ego patiar tu patiēris ille patiētur nos patiēmur vos patiemĭni illi patientur | I will bear You will bear He/She/It will bear We will bear You will bear They will bear |
Future perfect | |
ego passus ero, passa ero, passum ero... tu passus eris, passa eris, passum eris... ille passus erit, passa erit, passum erit... nos passi erimus, passae erimus, passa erimus... vos passi erĭtis, passae eritis, passa eritis... illi passi erunt, passae erunt, passa erunt... | I will have borne You will have borne He/She/It will have borne We will have borne You will have borne They will have borne |
Present | |
ego patiar tu patiāris ille patiātur nos patiāmur vos patiamĭni illi patiantur | I (that )may bear You (that )may bear He/She/It (that )may bear We (that )may bear You (that )may bear They (that )may bear |
Imperfect | |
ego patĕrer tu paterēris ille paterētur nos paterēmur vos pateremĭni illi paterentur | I (that )might bear You (that )might bear He/She/It (that )might bear We (that )might bear You (that )might bear They (that )might bear |
Perfect | |
ego passus sim, passa sim, passum sim... tu passus sis, passa sis, passum sis... ille passus sit, passa sit, passum sit... nos passi simus, passae simus, passa simus... vos passi sitis, passae sitis, passa sitis... illi passi sint, passae sint, passa sint... | I (whether) bore You (whether) bore He/She/It (whether) bore We (whether) bore You (whether) bore They (whether) bore |
Pluperfect | |
ego passus essem, passa essem, passum essem... tu passus esses, passa esses, passum esses... ille passus esset, passa esset, passum esset... nos passessēmus, passae essemus, passa essemus... vos passessētis, passae essetis, passa essetis... illi passi essent, passae essent, passa essent... | |
Present | |
ego patĕrer tu paterēris ille paterētur nos paterēmur vos pateremĭni illi paterentur | I would bear You would bear He/She/It would bear We would bear You would bear They would bear |
Perfect | |
ego passus essem, passa essem, passum essem... tu passus esses, passa esses, passum esses... ille passus esset, passa esset, passum esset... nos passessēmus, passae essemus, passa essemus... vos passessētis, passae essetis, passa essetis... illi passi essent, passae essent, passa essent... | I would have borne You would have borne He/She/It would have borne We would have borne You would have borne They would have borne |
Present | |
patĕre patimĭni Future | you bear you bear |
Present | |
pati | |
Perfect | |
passum esse, passam esse, passum esse, passos esse, passas esse, passa esse... | to have borne |
Future | |
passurum esse, passuram esse, passurum esse, passuros esse, passuras esse, passura esse... | to be about to bear |
patiendi, patiendo, patiendum, patiendo... | of bearing to, for bearing bearing by.. bearing |
Masculine | ought to be borne |
Singolare | Plurale |
Nom.patiendus Gen.patiendi Dat.patiendo Acc.patiendum Voc.patiende Abl.patiendo | patiendi patiendorum patiendis patiendos patiendi patiendis |
Feminine | |
Nom.patienda Gen.patiendae Dat.patiendae Acc.patiendam Voc.patienda Abl.patienda | patiendae patiendarum patiendis patiendas patiendae patiendis |
Neuter | |
Nom.patiendum Gen.patiendi Dat.patiendo Acc.patiendum Voc.patiendum Abl.patiendo | patienda patiendorum patiendis patienda patienda patiendis |
passum | to bear |
passu | to bear - in bearing |
PARTICIPLE | meaning |
Present | bearing |
Masculine | |
Singolare | Plurale |
Nom.patiens Gen.patientis Dat.patienti Acc.patientem Voc.patiens Abl.patiente | patientes patientium patientibus patientes patientes patientibus |
Feminine | |
Nom.patiens Gen.patientis Dat.patienti Acc.patientem Voc.patiens Abl.patiente | patientes patientium patientibus patientes patientes patientibus |
Neuter | |
Nom.patiens Gen.patientis Dat.patienti Acc.patiens Voc.patiens Abl.patiente | patientia patientium patientibus patientia patientia patientibus |
PARTICIPLE | meaning |
Perfect | having borne |
Masculine | |
Singolare | Plurale |
Nom.passus Gen.passi Dat.passo Acc.passum Voc.passe Abl.passo | passi passorum passis passos passi passis |
Feminine | |
Nom.passa Gen.passae Dat.passae Acc.passam Voc.passa Abl.passa | passae passarum passis passas passae passis |
Neuter | |
Nom.passum Gen.passi Dat.passo Acc.passum Voc.passum Abl.passo | passa passorum passis passa passa passis |
PARTICIPLE | meaning |
Future | about to bear |
Masculine | |
Singolare | Plurale |
Nom.passurus Gen.passuri Dat.passuro Acc.passurum Voc.passure Abl.passuro | passuri passurorum passuris passuros passuri passuris |
Feminine | |
Nom.passura Gen.passurae Dat.passurae Acc.passuram Voc.passura Abl.passura | passurae passurarum passuris passuras passurae passuris |
Neuter | |
Nom.passurum Gen.passuri Dat.passuro Acc.passurum Voc.passurum Abl.passuro | passura passurorum passuris passura passura passuris |