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- Full conjugation of pasci pascere =
pasci: Verbo deponente IMPERATIVE - Full conjugation of pascere Deponent voice |
IMPERATIVE | meaning |
Present | |
pascĕre pascimĭni Future | you pasture you pasture |
Conjugation of: pasco, pascis, pavi, pastŭm, pascĕre conjugation: 3 - transitivo - attiva (Ita) = pascere, pascolare, (eng) = feed, pasture, provide food for, nurture, feast, lang. Latino |
Present | |
ego pasco tu pascis ille pascit nos pascīmus vos pascītis illi pascunt | I pasture You pasture He/She/It pastures We pasture You pasture They pasture |
Imperfect | |
ego pascēbam tu pascēbas ille pascēbat nos pascebāmus vos pascebātis illi pascēbant | I was pasturing You were pasturing He/She/It was pasturing We were pasturing You were pasturing They were pasturing |
Perfect | |
ego pavi tu pavisti, pasti... ille pavit nos pavĭmus vos pavistis, pastis... illi pavērunt, parunt, pavere... | I pastured You pastured He/She/It pastured We pastured You pastured They pastured |
Perfect | |
ego pavi tu pavisti, pasti... ille pavit nos pavĭmus vos pavistis, pastis... illi pavērunt, parunt, pavere... | I have pastured You have pastured He/She/It has pastured We have pastured You have pastured They have pastured |
PlusPerfect | |
ego pavĕram, param... tu pavĕras, paras... ille pavĕrat, parat... nos paverāmus, paramus... vos paverātis, paratis... illi pavĕrant, parant... | I had pastured You had pastured He/She/It had pastured We had pastured You had pastured They had pastured |
Plusperfect | |
ego pavi tu pavisti, pasti... ille pavit nos pavĭmus vos pavistis, pastis... illi pavērunt, parunt, pavere... | |
Pluperfect | |
ego pavĕram, param... tu pavĕras, paras... ille pavĕrat, parat... nos paverāmus, paramus... vos paverātis, paratis... illi pavĕrant, parant... | I had pastured You had pastured He/She/It had pastured We had pastured You had pastured They had pastured |
Future | |
ego pascam tu pasces ille pascet nos pascēmus vos pascētis illi pascent | I will pasture You will pasture He/She/It will pasture We will pasture You will pasture They will pasture |
Future perfect | |
ego pavĕro, paro... tu pavĕris, paris... ille pavĕrit, parit... nos paverĭmus, parimus... vos paverĭtis, paritis... illi pavĕrint, parint... | I will have pastured You will have pastured He/She/It will have pastured We will have pastured You will have pastured They will have pastured |
Present | |
ego pascam tu pascas ille pascat nos pascāmus vos pascātis illi pascant | I (that )may pasture You (that )may pasture He/She/It (that )may pasture We (that )may pasture You (that )may pasture They (that )may pasture |
Imperfect | |
ego pascĕrem tu pascĕres ille pascĕret nos pascerēmus vos pascerētis illi pascĕrent | I (that )might pasture You (that )might pasture He/She/It (that )might pasture We (that )might pasture You (that )might pasture They (that )might pasture |
Perfect | |
ego pavĕrim, parim... tu pavĕris, paris... ille pavĕrit, parit... nos paverĭmus, parimus... vos paverĭtis, paritis... illi pav;ĕrint, parint... | I (whether) pastured You (whether) pastured He/She/It (whether) pastured We (whether) pastured You (whether) pastured They (whether) pastured |
Pluperfect | |
ego pavissem, passem... tu pavisses, passes... ille pavisset, passet... nos pavissēmus, passemus... vos pavissētis, passetis... illi pavissent, passent... | I (whether) had pastured You (whether) had pastured He/She/It (whether) had pastured We (whether) had pastured You (whether) had pastured They (whether) had pastured |
Present | |
ego pascĕrem tu pascĕres ille pascĕret nos pascerēmus vos pascerētis illi pascĕrent | I would pasture You would pasture He/She/It would pasture We would pasture You would pasture They would pasture |
Perfect | |
ego pavissem, passem... tu pavisses, passes... ille pavisset, passet... nos pavissēmus, passemus... vos pavissētis, passetis... illi pavissent, passent... | I would have pastured You would have pastured He/She/It would have pastured We would have pastured You would have pastured They would have pastured |
Present | |
pasce pascite Future pascito pascito pascitote pascunto | you pasture you pasture you shall pasture he,she,it shall pasture you shall pasture they shall pasture |
Present | |
pascĕre | to pasture |
Perfect | |
pavisse, passe... | to have pastured |
Future | |
pasturum esse, pasturam esse, pasturum esse, pasturos esse, pasturas esse, pastura esse... | to be about to pasture |
pascendi, pascendo, pascendum, pascendo... | of pasturing to, for pasturing pasturing by.. pasturing |
pastŭm | to pasture |
PARTICIPLE | meaning |
Present | pasturing |
Masculine | |
Singolare | Plurale |
Nom.pascens Gen.pascentis Dat.pascenti Acc.pascentem Voc.pascens Abl.pascente, pascenti... | pascentes pascentium pascentibus pascentes pascentes pascentibus |
Feminine | |
Nom.pascens Gen.pascentis Dat.pascenti Acc.pascentem Voc.pascens Abl.pascente, pascenti... | pascentes pascentium pascentibus pascentes pascentes pascentibus |
Neuter | |
Nom.pascens Gen.pascentis Dat.pascenti Acc.pascens Voc.pascens Abl.pascente, pascenti... | pascentia pascentium pascentibus pascentia pascentia pascentibus |
PARTICIPLE | meaning |
Future | about to pasture |
Masculine | |
Singolare | Plurale |
Nom.pasturus Gen.pasturi Dat.pasturo Acc.pasturum Voc.pasture Abl.pasturo | pasturi pasturorum pasturis pasturos pasturi pasturis |
Feminine | |
Nom.pastura Gen.pasturae Dat.pasturae Acc.pasturam Voc.pastura Abl.pastura | pasturae pasturarum pasturis pasturas pasturae pasturis |
Neuter | |
Nom.pasturum Gen.pasturi Dat.pasturo Acc.pasturum Voc.pasturum Abl.pasturo | pastura pasturorum pasturis pastura pastura pasturis |
- Full conjugation of pasci Passive voice |
Conjugation of: pascor, pascĕris, pastus sum, pasta sum, pastum sum..., - , pasci conjugation: 3 - intransitivo/transitivo - deponente (Ita) = nutrirsi, mangiare, intr./tr, lang. Latino |
Present | |
ego pascor tu pascĕris ille pascĭtur nos pascĭmur vos pascimĭni illi pascuntur | I pasture You pasture He/She/It pastures We pasture You pasture They pasture |
Imperfect | |
ego pascēbar tu pascebāris ille pascebātur nos pascebāmur vos pascebamĭni illi pascebantur | I was pasturing You were pasturing He/She/It was pasturing We were pasturing You were pasturing They were pasturing |
Perfect | |
ego pastus sum, pasta sum, pastum sum... tu pastus es, pasta es, pastum es... ille pastus est, pasta est, pastum est... nos pasti sumus, pastae sumus, pasta sumus... vos pasti estis, pastae estis, pasta estis... illi pasti sunt, pastae sunt, pasta sunt... | I pastured You pastured He/She/It pastured We pastured You pastured They pastured |
Perfect | |
ego pastus sum, pasta sum, pastum sum... tu pastus es, pasta es, pastum es... ille pastus est, pasta est, pastum est... nos pasti sumus, pastae sumus, pasta sumus... vos pasti estis, pastae estis, pasta estis... illi pasti sunt, pastae sunt, pasta sunt... | I have pastured You have pastured He/She/It has pastured We have pastured You have pastured They have pastured |
PlusPerfect | |
ego pastus eram, pasta eram, pastum eram... tu pastus eras, pasta eras, pastum eras... ille pastus erat, pasta erat, pastum erat... nos pasti erāmus, pastae eramus, pasta eramus... vos pasti erātis, pastae eratis, pasta eratis... illi pasti erant, pastae erant, pasta erant... | I had pastured You had pastured He/She/It had pastured We had pastured You had pastured They had pastured |
Plusperfect | |
ego pastus sum, pasta sum, pastum sum... tu pastus es, pasta es, pastum es... ille pastus est, pasta est, pastum est... nos pasti sumus, pastae sumus, pasta sumus... vos pasti estis, pastae estis, pasta estis... illi pasti sunt, pastae sunt, pasta sunt... | |
Pluperfect | |
ego pastus eram, pasta eram, pastum eram... tu pastus eras, pasta eras, pastum eras... ille pastus erat, pasta erat, pastum erat... nos pasti erāmus, pastae eramus, pasta eramus... vos pasti erātis, pastae eratis, pasta eratis... illi pasti erant, pastae erant, pasta erant... | I had pastured You had pastured He/She/It had pastured We had pastured You had pastured They had pastured |
Future | |
ego pascar tu pascēris ille pascētur nos pascēmur vos pascemĭni illi pascentur | I will pasture You will pasture He/She/It will pasture We will pasture You will pasture They will pasture |
Future perfect | |
ego pastus ero, pasta ero, pastum ero... tu pastus eris, pasta eris, pastum eris... ille pastus erit, pasta erit, pastum erit... nos pasti erimus, pastae erimus, pasta erimus... vos pasti erĭtis, pastae eritis, pasta eritis... illi pasti erunt, pastae erunt, pasta erunt... | I will have pastured You will have pastured He/She/It will have pastured We will have pastured You will have pastured They will have pastured |
Present | |
ego pascar tu pascāris ille pascātur nos pascāmur vos pascamĭni illi pascantur | I (that )may pasture You (that )may pasture He/She/It (that )may pasture We (that )may pasture You (that )may pasture They (that )may pasture |
Imperfect | |
ego pascĕrer tu pascerēris ille pascerētur nos pascerēmur vos pasceremĭni illi pascerentur | I (that )might pasture You (that )might pasture He/She/It (that )might pasture We (that )might pasture You (that )might pasture They (that )might pasture |
Perfect | |
ego pastus sim, pasta sim, pastum sim... tu pastus sis, pasta sis, pastum sis... ille pastus sit, pasta sit, pastum sit... nos pasti simus, pastae simus, pasta simus... vos pasti sitis, pastae sitis, pasta sitis... illi pasti sint, pastae sint, pasta sint... | I (whether) pastured You (whether) pastured He/She/It (whether) pastured We (whether) pastured You (whether) pastured They (whether) pastured |
Pluperfect | |
ego pastus essem, pasta essem, pastum essem... tu pastus esses, pasta esses, pastum esses... ille pastus esset, pasta esset, pastum esset... nos pastessēmus, pastae essemus, pasta essemus... vos pastessētis, pastae essetis, pasta essetis... illi pasti essent, pastae essent, pasta essent... | |
Present | |
ego pascĕrer tu pascerēris ille pascerētur nos pascerēmur vos pasceremĭni illi pascerentur | I would pasture You would pasture He/She/It would pasture We would pasture You would pasture They would pasture |
Perfect | |
ego pastus essem, pasta essem, pastum essem... tu pastus esses, pasta esses, pastum esses... ille pastus esset, pasta esset, pastum esset... nos pastessēmus, pastae essemus, pasta essemus... vos pastessētis, pastae essetis, pasta essetis... illi pasti essent, pastae essent, pasta essent... | I would have pastured You would have pastured He/She/It would have pastured We would have pastured You would have pastured They would have pastured |
Present | |
pascĕre pascimĭni Future | you pasture you pasture |
Present | |
pasci | |
Perfect | |
pastum esse, pastam esse, pastum esse, pastos esse, pastas esse, pasta esse... | to have pastured |
Future | |
pasturum esse, pasturam esse, pasturum esse, pasturos esse, pasturas esse, pastura esse... | to be about to pasture |
pascendi, pascendo, pascendum, pascendo... | of pasturing to, for pasturing pasturing by.. pasturing |
Masculine | ought to be pastured |
Singolare | Plurale |
Nom.pascendus Gen.pascendi Dat.pascendo Acc.pascendum Voc.pascende Abl.pascendo | pascendi pascendorum pascendis pascendos pascendi pascendis |
Feminine | |
Nom.pascenda Gen.pascendae Dat.pascendae Acc.pascendam Voc.pascenda Abl.pascenda | pascendae pascendarum pascendis pascendas pascendae pascendis |
Neuter | |
Nom.pascendum Gen.pascendi Dat.pascendo Acc.pascendum Voc.pascendum Abl.pascendo | pascenda pascendorum pascendis pascenda pascenda pascendis |
pastum | to pasture |
pastu | to pasture - in pasturing |
PARTICIPLE | meaning |
Present | pasturing |
Masculine | |
Singolare | Plurale |
Nom.pascens Gen.pascentis Dat.pascenti Acc.pascentem Voc.pascens Abl.pascente | pascentes pascentium pascentibus pascentes pascentes pascentibus |
Feminine | |
Nom.pascens Gen.pascentis Dat.pascenti Acc.pascentem Voc.pascens Abl.pascente | pascentes pascentium pascentibus pascentes pascentes pascentibus |
Neuter | |
Nom.pascens Gen.pascentis Dat.pascenti Acc.pascens Voc.pascens Abl.pascente | pascentia pascentium pascentibus pascentia pascentia pascentibus |
PARTICIPLE | meaning |
Perfect | having pastured |
Masculine | |
Singolare | Plurale |
Nom.pastus Gen.pasti Dat.pasto Acc.pastum Voc.paste Abl.pasto | pasti pastorum pastis pastos pasti pastis |
Feminine | |
Nom.pasta Gen.pastae Dat.pastae Acc.pastam Voc.pasta Abl.pasta | pastae pastarum pastis pastas pastae pastis |
Neuter | |
Nom.pastum Gen.pasti Dat.pasto Acc.pastum Voc.pastum Abl.pasto | pasta pastorum pastis pasta pasta pastis |
PARTICIPLE | meaning |
Future | about to pasture |
Masculine | |
Singolare | Plurale |
Nom.pasturus Gen.pasturi Dat.pasturo Acc.pasturum Voc.pasture Abl.pasturo | pasturi pasturorum pasturis pasturos pasturi pasturis |
Feminine | |
Nom.pastura Gen.pasturae Dat.pasturae Acc.pasturam Voc.pastura Abl.pastura | pasturae pasturarum pasturis pasturas pasturae pasturis |
Neuter | |
Nom.pasturum Gen.pasturi Dat.pasturo Acc.pasturum Voc.pasturum Abl.pasturo | pastura pasturorum pasturis pastura pastura pasturis |