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meaning | |
pactum | to compose |
pactu | to compose - in composing |
- Full conjugation of pangere pactum =
pangere: Verbo attivo SUPINE - Full conjugation of pactum Active voice |
meaning | |
pactŭm, panctŭm... | to compose |
- Full conjugation of pangi pactum =
pangere: Verbo passivo PARTICIPLE Perfect - Full conjugation of pactum Passive voice |
- Declention of: pactum nome |
Declention of: pactum, pacti, meaning:patto/m, contratto, neut. (eng) = agreement, compact, manner, way, (esp) = pacto, alianza, acuerdo, lang. Latino declention: 2 Nom.: neut. sing. Acc.: neut. sing. Voc.: neut. sing. |
neutro | ||
Singolare | Plurale | Nom.pactŭm Gen.pactī Dat.pactō Acc.pactŭm Voc.pactŭm Abl.pactō | pactă pactōrum pactīs pactă pactă pactīs | agreement / agreement (of..) (to, for ..) agreement / agreement (by,from, at ..) |
Conjugation of: paciscor, paciscĕris, pactus sum, pacta sum, pactum sum..., - , pacisci conjugation: 3 - intransitivo/transitivo - deponente (Ita) = pattuire, intr./tr, (eng) = make a bargain, agree, enter into a marriage contract, negotiate,   (esp) = contratar, lang. Latino |
Present | |
ego paciscor tu paciscĕris ille paciscĭtur nos paciscĭmur vos paciscimĭni illi paciscuntur | I compose You compose He/She/It composes We compose You compose They compose |
Imperfect | |
ego paciscēbar tu paciscebāris ille paciscebātur nos paciscebāmur vos paciscebamĭni illi paciscebantur | I was composing You were composing He/She/It was composing We were composing You were composing They were composing |
Perfect | |
ego pactus sum, pacta sum, pactum sum... tu pactus es, pacta es, pactum es... ille pactus est, pacta est, pactum est... nos pacti sumus, pactae sumus, pacta sumus... vos pacti estis, pactae estis, pacta estis... illi pacti sunt, pactae sunt, pacta sunt... | I composed You composed He/She/It composed We composed You composed They composed |
Perfect | |
ego pactus sum, pacta sum, pactum sum... tu pactus es, pacta es, pactum es... ille pactus est, pacta est, pactum est... nos pacti sumus, pactae sumus, pacta sumus... vos pacti estis, pactae estis, pacta estis... illi pacti sunt, pactae sunt, pacta sunt... | I have composed You have composed He/She/It has composed We have composed You have composed They have composed |
PlusPerfect | |
ego pactus eram, pacta eram, pactum eram... tu pactus eras, pacta eras, pactum eras... ille pactus erat, pacta erat, pactum erat... nos pacti erāmus, pactae eramus, pacta eramus... vos pacti erātis, pactae eratis, pacta eratis... illi pacti erant, pactae erant, pacta erant... | I had composed You had composed He/She/It had composed We had composed You had composed They had composed |
Plusperfect | |
ego pactus sum, pacta sum, pactum sum... tu pactus es, pacta es, pactum es... ille pactus est, pacta est, pactum est... nos pacti sumus, pactae sumus, pacta sumus... vos pacti estis, pactae estis, pacta estis... illi pacti sunt, pactae sunt, pacta sunt... | |
Pluperfect | |
ego pactus eram, pacta eram, pactum eram... tu pactus eras, pacta eras, pactum eras... ille pactus erat, pacta erat, pactum erat... nos pacti erāmus, pactae eramus, pacta eramus... vos pacti erātis, pactae eratis, pacta eratis... illi pacti erant, pactae erant, pacta erant... | I had composed You had composed He/She/It had composed We had composed You had composed They had composed |
Future | |
ego paciscar tu paciscēris ille paciscētur nos paciscēmur vos paciscemĭni illi paciscentur | I will compose You will compose He/She/It will compose We will compose You will compose They will compose |
Future perfect | |
ego pactus ero, pacta ero, pactum ero... tu pactus eris, pacta eris, pactum eris... ille pactus erit, pacta erit, pactum erit... nos pacti erimus, pactae erimus, pacta erimus... vos pacti erĭtis, pactae eritis, pacta eritis... illi pacti erunt, pactae erunt, pacta erunt... | I will have composed You will have composed He/She/It will have composed We will have composed You will have composed They will have composed |
Present | |
ego paciscar tu paciscāris ille paciscātur nos paciscāmur vos paciscamĭni illi paciscantur | I (that )may compose You (that )may compose He/She/It (that )may compose We (that )may compose You (that )may compose They (that )may compose |
Imperfect | |
ego paciscĕrer tu paciscerēris ille paciscerētur nos paciscerēmur vos pacisceremĭni illi paciscerentur | I (that )might compose You (that )might compose He/She/It (that )might compose We (that )might compose You (that )might compose They (that )might compose |
Perfect | |
ego pactus sim, pacta sim, pactum sim... tu pactus sis, pacta sis, pactum sis... ille pactus sit, pacta sit, pactum sit... nos pacti simus, pactae simus, pacta simus... vos pacti sitis, pactae sitis, pacta sitis... illi pacti sint, pactae sint, pacta sint... | I (whether) composed You (whether) composed He/She/It (whether) composed We (whether) composed You (whether) composed They (whether) composed |
Pluperfect | |
ego pactus essem, pacta essem, pactum essem... tu pactus esses, pacta esses, pactum esses... ille pactus esset, pacta esset, pactum esset... nos pactessēmus, pactae essemus, pacta essemus... vos pactessētis, pactae essetis, pacta essetis... illi pacti essent, pactae essent, pacta essent... | |
Present | |
ego paciscĕrer tu paciscerēris ille paciscerētur nos paciscerēmur vos pacisceremĭni illi paciscerentur | I would compose You would compose He/She/It would compose We would compose You would compose They would compose |
Perfect | |
ego pactus essem, pacta essem, pactum essem... tu pactus esses, pacta esses, pactum esses... ille pactus esset, pacta esset, pactum esset... nos pactessēmus, pactae essemus, pacta essemus... vos pactessētis, pactae essetis, pacta essetis... illi pacti essent, pactae essent, pacta essent... | I would have composed You would have composed He/She/It would have composed We would have composed You would have composed They would have composed |
Present | |
paciscĕre paciscimĭni Future | you compose you compose |
Present | |
pacisci | |
Perfect | |
pactum esse, pactam esse, pactum esse, pactos esse, pactas esse, pacta esse... | to have composed |
Future | |
pacturum esse, pacturam esse, pacturum esse, pacturos esse, pacturas esse, pactura esse... | to be about to compose |
paciscendi, paciscendo, paciscendum, paciscendo... | of composing to, for composing composing by.. composing |
Masculine | ought to be composed |
Singolare | Plurale |
Nom.paciscendus Gen.paciscendi Dat.paciscendo Acc.paciscendum Voc.paciscende Abl.paciscendo | paciscendi paciscendorum paciscendis paciscendos paciscendi paciscendis |
Feminine | |
Nom.paciscenda Gen.paciscendae Dat.paciscendae Acc.paciscendam Voc.paciscenda Abl.paciscenda | paciscendae paciscendarum paciscendis paciscendas paciscendae paciscendis |
Neuter | |
Nom.paciscendum Gen.paciscendi Dat.paciscendo Acc.paciscendum Voc.paciscendum Abl.paciscendo | paciscenda paciscendorum paciscendis paciscenda paciscenda paciscendis |
pactum | to compose |
pactu | to compose - in composing |
PARTICIPLE | meaning |
Present | composing |
Masculine | |
Singolare | Plurale |
Nom.paciscens Gen.paciscentis Dat.paciscenti Acc.paciscentem Voc.paciscens Abl.paciscente | paciscentes paciscentium paciscentibus paciscentes paciscentes paciscentibus |
Feminine | |
Nom.paciscens Gen.paciscentis Dat.paciscenti Acc.paciscentem Voc.paciscens Abl.paciscente | paciscentes paciscentium paciscentibus paciscentes paciscentes paciscentibus |
Neuter | |
Nom.paciscens Gen.paciscentis Dat.paciscenti Acc.paciscens Voc.paciscens Abl.paciscente | paciscentia paciscentium paciscentibus paciscentia paciscentia paciscentibus |
PARTICIPLE | meaning |
Perfect | having composed |
Masculine | |
Singolare | Plurale |
Nom.pactus Gen.pacti Dat.pacto Acc.pactum Voc.pacte Abl.pacto | pacti pactorum pactis pactos pacti pactis |
Feminine | |
Nom.pacta Gen.pactae Dat.pactae Acc.pactam Voc.pacta Abl.pacta | pactae pactarum pactis pactas pactae pactis |
Neuter | |
Nom.pactum Gen.pacti Dat.pacto Acc.pactum Voc.pactum Abl.pacto | pacta pactorum pactis pacta pacta pactis |
PARTICIPLE | meaning |
Future | about to compose |
Masculine | |
Singolare | Plurale |
Nom.pacturus Gen.pacturi Dat.pacturo Acc.pacturum Voc.pacture Abl.pacturo | pacturi pacturorum pacturis pacturos pacturi pacturis |
Feminine | |
Nom.pactura Gen.pacturae Dat.pacturae Acc.pacturam Voc.pactura Abl.pactura | pacturae pacturarum pacturis pacturas pacturae pacturis |
Neuter | |
Nom.pacturum Gen.pacturi Dat.pacturo Acc.pacturum Voc.pacturum Abl.pacturo | pactura pacturorum pacturis pactura pactura pacturis |
Conjugation of: pango, pangis, panxi, pepigi..., pactŭm, panctŭm... , pangĕre conjugation: 3 - transitivo - attiva (Ita) = conficcare, (eng) = fix, drive in, settle, stipulate for, conclude, compose, (esp) = hincar, lang. Latino |
Present | |
ego pango tu pangis ille pangit nos pangīmus vos pangītis illi pangunt | I compose You compose He/She/It composes We compose You compose They compose |
Imperfect | |
ego pangēbam tu pangēbas ille pangēbat nos pangebāmus vos pangebātis illi pangēbant | I was composing You were composing He/She/It was composing We were composing You were composing They were composing |
Perfect | |
ego panxi, pepigi... tu panxisti, pepigisti... ille panxit, pepigit... nos panxĭmus, pepigĭmus... vos panxistis, pepigistis... illi panxērunt, pepigērunt... | I composed You composed He/She/It composed We composed You composed They composed |
Perfect | |
ego panxi, pepigi... tu panxisti, pepigisti... ille panxit, pepigit... nos panxĭmus, pepigĭmus... vos panxistis, pepigistis... illi panxērunt, pepigērunt... | I have composed You have composed He/She/It has composed We have composed You have composed They have composed |
PlusPerfect | |
ego panxĕram, pepigĕram... tu panxĕras, pepigĕras... ille panxĕrat, pepigĕrat... nos panxerāmus, pepigerāmus... vos panxerātis, pepigerātis... illi panxĕrant, pepigĕrant... | I had composed You had composed He/She/It had composed We had composed You had composed They had composed |
Plusperfect | |
ego panxi, pepigi... tu panxisti, pepigisti... ille panxit, pepigit... nos panxĭmus, pepigĭmus... vos panxistis, pepigistis... illi panxērunt, pepigērunt... | |
Pluperfect | |
ego panxĕram, pepigĕram... tu panxĕras, pepigĕras... ille panxĕrat, pepigĕrat... nos panxerāmus, pepigerāmus... vos panxerātis, pepigerātis... illi panxĕrant, pepigĕrant... | I had composed You had composed He/She/It had composed We had composed You had composed They had composed |
Future | |
ego pangam tu panges ille panget nos pangēmus vos pangētis illi pangent | I will compose You will compose He/She/It will compose We will compose You will compose They will compose |
Future perfect | |
ego panxĕro, pepigĕro... tu panxĕris, pepigĕris... ille panxĕrit, pepigĕrit... nos panxerĭmus, pepigerĭmus... vos panxerĭtis, pepigerĭtis... illi panxĕrint, pepigĕrint... | I will have composed You will have composed He/She/It will have composed We will have composed You will have composed They will have composed |
Present | |
ego pangam tu pangas ille pangat nos pangāmus vos pangātis illi pangant | I (that )may compose You (that )may compose He/She/It (that )may compose We (that )may compose You (that )may compose They (that )may compose |
Imperfect | |
ego pangĕrem tu pangĕres ille pangĕret nos pangerēmus vos pangerētis illi pangĕrent | I (that )might compose You (that )might compose He/She/It (that )might compose We (that )might compose You (that )might compose They (that )might compose |
Perfect | |
ego panxĕrim, pepigĕrim... tu panxĕris, pepigĕris... ille panxĕrit, pepigĕrit... nos panxerĭmus, pepigerĭmus... vos panxerĭtis, pepigerĭtis... illi panx;ĕrint, pepig;ĕrint... | I (whether) composed You (whether) composed He/She/It (whether) composed We (whether) composed You (whether) composed They (whether) composed |
Pluperfect | |
ego panxissem, pepigissem... tu panxisses, pepigisses... ille panxisset, pepigisset... nos panxissēmus, pepigissēmus... vos panxissētis, pepigissētis... illi panxissent, pepigissent... | I (whether) had composed You (whether) had composed He/She/It (whether) had composed We (whether) had composed You (whether) had composed They (whether) had composed |
Present | |
ego pangĕrem tu pangĕres ille pangĕret nos pangerēmus vos pangerētis illi pangĕrent | I would compose You would compose He/She/It would compose We would compose You would compose They would compose |
Perfect | |
ego panxissem, pepigissem... tu panxisses, pepigisses... ille panxisset, pepigisset... nos panxissēmus, pepigissēmus... vos panxissētis, pepigissētis... illi panxissent, pepigissent... | I would have composed You would have composed He/She/It would have composed We would have composed You would have composed They would have composed |
Present | |
pange pangite Future pangito pangito pangitote pangunto | you compose you compose you shall compose he,she,it shall compose you shall compose they shall compose |
Present | |
pangĕre | to compose |
Perfect | |
panxisse, pepigisse... | to have composed |
Future | |
pacturum esse, pancturum esse, pacturam esse, pancturam esse, pacturum esse, pancturum esse, pacturos esse, pancturos esse, pacturas esse, pancturas esse, pactura esse, panctura esse... | to be about to compose |
pangendi, pangendo, pangendum, pangendo... | of composing to, for composing composing by.. composing |
pactŭm, panctŭm... | to compose |
PARTICIPLE | meaning |
Present | composing |
Masculine | |
Singolare | Plurale |
Nom.pangens Gen.pangentis Dat.pangenti Acc.pangentem Voc.pangens Abl.pangente, pangenti... | pangentes pangentium pangentibus pangentes pangentes pangentibus |
Feminine | |
Nom.pangens Gen.pangentis Dat.pangenti Acc.pangentem Voc.pangens Abl.pangente, pangenti... | pangentes pangentium pangentibus pangentes pangentes pangentibus |
Neuter | |
Nom.pangens Gen.pangentis Dat.pangenti Acc.pangens Voc.pangens Abl.pangente, pangenti... | pangentia pangentium pangentibus pangentia pangentia pangentibus |
PARTICIPLE | meaning |
Future | about to compose |
Masculine | |
Singolare | Plurale |
Nom.pacturus, pancturus... Gen.pacturi, pancturi... Dat.pacturo, pancturo... Acc.pacturum, pancturum... Voc.pacture, pancture... Abl.pacturo, pancturo... | pacturi, pancturi... pacturorum, pancturorum... pacturis, pancturis... pacturos, pancturos... pacturi, pancturi... pacturis, pancturis... |
Feminine | |
Nom.pactura, panctura... Gen.pacturae, pancturae... Dat.pacturae, pancturae... Acc.pacturam, pancturam... Voc.pactura, panctura... Abl.pactura, panctura... | pacturae, pancturae... pacturarum, pancturarum... pacturis, panctis... pacturas, pancturas... pacturae, pancturae... pacturis, pancturis... |
Neuter | |
Nom.pacturum, pancturum... Gen.pacturi, pancturi... Dat.pacturo, pancturo... Acc.pacturum, panctum... Voc.pacturum, pancturum... Abl.pacturo, pancturo... | pactura, panctura... pacturorum, pancturorum... pacturis, pancturis... pactura, panctura... pactura, panctura... pacturis, pancturis... |
- Full conjugation of pangi Passive voice |
- Full conjugation of pangere Active voice |