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Conjugation of: nosco, noscis, novi, notŭm, noscĕre conjugation: 3 - transitivo - attiva (Ita) = conoscere, sapere, (eng) = get a knowledge of, learn to know, know, (esp) = conocer, lang. Latino |
Present | |
ego nosco tu noscis ille noscit nos noscīmus vos noscītis illi noscunt | I get a knowledge of You get a knowledge of He/She/It gets a knowledge of We get a knowledge of You get a knowledge of They get a knowledge of |
Imperfect | |
ego noscēbam tu noscēbas ille noscēbat nos noscebāmus vos noscebātis illi noscēbant | I was geting a knowledge of You were geting a knowledge of He/She/It was geting a knowledge of We were geting a knowledge of You were geting a knowledge of They were geting a knowledge of |
Perfect | |
ego novi tu novisti, nosti... ille novit nos novĭmus vos novistis, nostis... illi novērunt, norunt, novere... | I got a knowledge of You got a knowledge of He/She/It got a knowledge of We got a knowledge of You got a knowledge of They got a knowledge of |
Perfect | |
ego novi tu novisti, nosti... ille novit nos novĭmus vos novistis, nostis... illi novērunt, norunt, novere... | I have got a knowledge of You have got a knowledge of He/She/It has got a knowledge of We have got a knowledge of You have got a knowledge of They have got a knowledge of |
PlusPerfect | |
ego novĕram, noram... tu novĕras, noras... ille novĕrat, norat... nos noverāmus, noramus... vos noverātis, noratis... illi novĕrant, norant... | I had got a knowledge of You had got a knowledge of He/She/It had got a knowledge of We had got a knowledge of You had got a knowledge of They had got a knowledge of |
Plusperfect | |
ego novi tu novisti, nosti... ille novit nos novĭmus vos novistis, nostis... illi novērunt, norunt, novere... | |
Pluperfect | |
ego novĕram, noram... tu novĕras, noras... ille novĕrat, norat... nos noverāmus, noramus... vos noverātis, noratis... illi novĕrant, norant... | I had got a knowledge of You had got a knowledge of He/She/It had got a knowledge of We had got a knowledge of You had got a knowledge of They had got a knowledge of |
Future | |
ego noscam tu nosces ille noscet nos noscēmus vos noscētis illi noscent | I will get a knowledge of You will get a knowledge of He/She/It will get a knowledge of We will get a knowledge of You will get a knowledge of They will get a knowledge of |
Future perfect | |
ego novĕro, noro... tu novĕris, noris... ille novĕrit, norit... nos noverĭmus, norimus... vos noverĭtis, noritis... illi novĕrint, norint... | I will have got a knowledge of You will have got a knowledge of He/She/It will have got a knowledge of We will have got a knowledge of You will have got a knowledge of They will have got a knowledge of |
Present | |
ego noscam tu noscas ille noscat nos noscāmus vos noscātis illi noscant | I (that )may get a knowledge of You (that )may get a knowledge of He/She/It (that )may get a knowledge of We (that )may get a knowledge of You (that )may get a knowledge of They (that )may get a knowledge of |
Imperfect | |
ego noscĕrem tu noscĕres ille noscĕret nos noscerēmus vos noscerētis illi noscĕrent | I (that )might get a knowledge of You (that )might get a knowledge of He/She/It (that )might get a knowledge of We (that )might get a knowledge of You (that )might get a knowledge of They (that )might get a knowledge of |
Perfect | |
ego novĕrim, norim... tu novĕris, noris... ille novĕrit, norit... nos noverĭmus, norimus... vos noverĭtis, noritis... illi nov;ĕrint, norint... | I (whether) got a knowledge of You (whether) got a knowledge of He/She/It (whether) got a knowledge of We (whether) got a knowledge of You (whether) got a knowledge of They (whether) got a knowledge of |
Pluperfect | |
ego novissem, nossem... tu novisses, nosses... ille novisset, nosset... nos novissēmus, nossemus... vos novissētis, nossetis... illi novissent, nossent... | I (whether) had got a knowledge of You (whether) had got a knowledge of He/She/It (whether) had got a knowledge of We (whether) had got a knowledge of You (whether) had got a knowledge of They (whether) had got a knowledge of |
Present | |
ego noscĕrem tu noscĕres ille noscĕret nos noscerēmus vos noscerētis illi noscĕrent | I would get a knowledge of You would get a knowledge of He/She/It would get a knowledge of We would get a knowledge of You would get a knowledge of They would get a knowledge of |
Perfect | |
ego novissem, nossem... tu novisses, nosses... ille novisset, nosset... nos novissēmus, nossemus... vos novissētis, nossetis... illi novissent, nossent... | I would have got a knowledge of You would have got a knowledge of He/She/It would have got a knowledge of We would have got a knowledge of You would have got a knowledge of They would have got a knowledge of |
Present | |
nosce noscite Future noscito noscito noscitote noscunto | you get a knowledge of you get a knowledge of you shall get a knowledge of he,she,it shall get a knowledge of you shall get a knowledge of they shall get a knowledge of |
Present | |
noscĕre | to get a knowledge of |
Perfect | |
novisse, nosse... | to have got a knowledge of |
Future | |
noturum esse, noturam esse, noturum esse, noturos esse, noturas esse, notura esse... | to be about to get a knowledge of |
noscendi, noscendo, noscendum, noscendo... | of geting a knowledge of to, for geting a knowledge of geting a knowledge of by.. geting a knowledge of |
notŭm | to get a knowledge of |
PARTICIPLE | meaning |
Present | geting |
Masculine | |
Singolare | Plurale |
Nom.noscens Gen.noscentis Dat.noscenti Acc.noscentem Voc.noscens Abl.noscente, noscenti... | noscentes noscentium noscentibus noscentes noscentes noscentibus |
Feminine | |
Nom.noscens Gen.noscentis Dat.noscenti Acc.noscentem Voc.noscens Abl.noscente, noscenti... | noscentes noscentium noscentibus noscentes noscentes noscentibus |
Neuter | |
Nom.noscens Gen.noscentis Dat.noscenti Acc.noscens Voc.noscens Abl.noscente, noscenti... | noscentia noscentium noscentibus noscentia noscentia noscentibus |
PARTICIPLE | meaning |
Future | about to get |
Masculine | |
Singolare | Plurale |
Nom.noturus Gen.noturi Dat.noturo Acc.noturum Voc.noture Abl.noturo | noturi noturorum noturis noturos noturi noturis |
Feminine | |
Nom.notura Gen.noturae Dat.noturae Acc.noturam Voc.notura Abl.notura | noturae noturarum noturis noturas noturae noturis |
Neuter | |
Nom.noturum Gen.noturi Dat.noturo Acc.noturum Voc.noturum Abl.noturo | notura noturorum noturis notura notura noturis |
- Full conjugation of nosci Passive voice |