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Conjugation of: flĕo, flĕs, flevi, fletum, flēre conjugation: 2 - intransitivo/transitivo - attiva (Ita) = piangere, intr./tr, (eng) = weep, cry, weep for,   (esp) = llorar, lang. Latino |
Present | |
ego flĕo tu flĕs ille flĕt nos flēmus vos flētis illi flent | I weep You weep He/She/It weeps We weep You weep They weep |
Imperfect | |
ego flēbam tu flēbas ille flēbat nos flebāmus vos flebātis illi flēbant | I was weeping You were weeping He/She/It was weeping We were weeping You were weeping They were weeping |
Perfect | |
ego flevi tu flevisti, flesti... ille flevit nos flevĭmus vos flevistis, flestis... illi flevērunt, flērunt, flevere... | I wept You wept He/She/It wept We wept You wept They wept |
Perfect | |
ego flevi tu flevisti, flesti... ille flevit nos flevĭmus vos flevistis, flestis... illi flevērunt, flērunt, flevere... | I have wept You have wept He/She/It has wept We have wept You have wept They have wept |
PlusPerfect | |
ego flevĕram, flĕram... tu flevĕras, flĕras... ille flevĕrat, flĕrat... nos fleverāmus, flerāmus... vos fleverātis, flerātis... illi flevĕrant, flĕrant... | I had wept You had wept He/She/It had wept We had wept You had wept They had wept |
Plusperfect | |
ego flevi tu flevisti, flesti... ille flevit nos flevĭmus vos flevistis, flestis... illi flevērunt, flērunt, flevere... | |
Pluperfect | |
ego flevĕram, flĕram... tu flevĕras, flĕras... ille flevĕrat, flĕrat... nos fleverāmus, flerāmus... vos fleverātis, flerātis... illi flevĕrant, flĕrant... | I had wept You had wept He/She/It had wept We had wept You had wept They had wept |
Future | |
ego flēbo tu flēbis ille flēbit nos flebĭmus vos flebĭtis illi flēbunt | I will weep You will weep He/She/It will weep We will weep You will weep They will weep |
Future perfect | |
ego flevĕro, flĕro... tu flevĕris, flĕris... ille flevĕrit, flĕrit... nos fleverĭmus, flerĭmus... vos fleverĭtis, flerĭtis... illi flevĕrint, flĕrint... | I will have wept You will have wept He/She/It will have wept We will have wept You will have wept They will have wept |
Present | |
ego flĕam tu flĕas ille flĕat nos fleāmus vos fleātis illi flĕant | I (that )may weep You (that )may weep He/She/It (that )may weep We (that )may weep You (that )may weep They (that )may weep |
Imperfect | |
ego flērem tu flēres ille flēret nos flrēmus vos flrētis illi flērent | I (that )might weep You (that )might weep He/She/It (that )might weep We (that )might weep You (that )might weep They (that )might weep |
Perfect | |
ego flevĕrim, flĕrim... tu flevĕris, flĕris... ille flevĕrit, flĕrit... nos fleverĭmus, flerĭmus... vos fleverĭtis, flerĭtis... illi flevĕrint, flĕrint... | I (whether) wept You (whether) wept He/She/It (whether) wept We (whether) wept You (whether) wept They (whether) wept |
Pluperfect | |
ego flevissem, flessem... tu flevisses, flesses... ille flevisset, flesset... nos flevissēmus, flessemus... vos flevissētis, flessetis... illi flevissent, flessent... | I (whether) had wept You (whether) had wept He/She/It (whether) had wept We (whether) had wept You (whether) had wept They (whether) had wept |
Present | |
ego flērem tu flēres ille flēret nos flrēmus vos flrētis illi flērent | I would weep You would weep He/She/It would weep We would weep You would weep They would weep |
Perfect | |
ego flevissem, flessem... tu flevisses, flesses... ille flevisset, flesset... nos flevissēmus, flessemus... vos flevissētis, flessetis... illi flevissent, flessent... | I would have wept You would have wept He/She/It would have wept We would have wept You would have wept They would have wept |
Present | |
fle flete Future fleto fleto fletote flento | you weep you weep you shall weep he,she,it shall weep you shall weep they shall weep |
Present | |
flēre | to weep |
Perfect | |
flevisse, flesse... | to have wept |
Future | |
fleturum esse, fleturam esse, fleturum esse, fleturos esse, fleturas esse, fletura esse... | to be about to weep |
flendi, flendo, flendum, flendo... | of weeping to, for weeping weeping by.. weeping |
fletum | to weep |
PARTICIPLE | meaning |
Present | weeping |
Masculine | |
Singolare | Plurale |
Nom.flens Gen.flentis Dat.flenti Acc.flentem Voc.flens Abl.flente, flenti... | flentes flentium flentibus flentes flentes flentibus |
Feminine | |
Nom.flens Gen.flentis Dat.flenti Acc.flentem Voc.flens Abl.flente, flenti... | flentes flentium flentibus flentes flentes flentibus |
Neuter | |
Nom.flens Gen.flentis Dat.flenti Acc.flens Voc.flens Abl.flente, flenti... | flentia flentium flentibus flentia flentia flentibus |
PARTICIPLE | meaning |
Future | about to weep |
Masculine | |
Singolare | Plurale |
Nom.fleturus Gen.fleturi Dat.fleturo Acc.fleturum Voc.fleture Abl.fleturo | fleturi fleturorum fleturis fleturos fleturi fleturis |
Feminine | |
Nom.fletura Gen.fleturae Dat.fleturae Acc.fleturam Voc.fletura Abl.fletura | fleturae fleturarum fleturis fleturas fleturae fleturis |
Neuter | |
Nom.fleturum Gen.fleturi Dat.fleturo Acc.fleturum Voc.fleturum Abl.fleturo | fletura fleturorum fleturis fletura fletura fleturis |
- Full conjugation of fleri Passive voice |