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Conjugation of: avocor, avocāris, avocatus sum, - , avocari conjugation: 1 - transitivo - passiva (Ita) = richiamare, distogliere, (eng) = call away, remove, divert the mind, (esp) = llamar de, hacer venir, hacer dejar algo, apartar, distraer, apoderarse de, lang. Latino |
Present | |
ego avocor tu avocāris ille avocātur nos avocāmur vos avocamĭni illi avocantur | I am diverted the mind You are diverted the mind He/She/It is diverted the mind We are diverted the mind You are diverted the mind They are diverted the mind |
Imperfect | |
ego avocābar tu avocabāris ille avocabātur nos avocabāmur vos avocabamini illi avocabantur | I was being diverted the mind You were being diverted the mind He/She/It was being diverted the mind We were being diverted the mind You were being diverted the mind They were being diverted the mind |
Perfect | |
ego avocatus sum, avocata sum, avocatum sum... tu avocatus es, avocata es, avocatum es... ille avocatus est, avocata est, avocatum est... nos avocati sumus, avocatae sumus, avocata sumus... vos avocati estis, avocatae estis, avocata estis... illi avocati sunt, avocatae sunt, avocata sunt... | I was diverted the mind You were diverted the mind He/She/It was diverted the mind We were diverted the mind You were diverted the mind They were diverted the mind |
Perfect | |
ego avocatus sum, avocata sum, avocatum sum... tu avocatus es, avocata es, avocatum es... ille avocatus est, avocata est, avocatum est... nos avocati sumus, avocatae sumus, avocata sumus... vos avocati estis, avocatae estis, avocata estis... illi avocati sunt, avocatae sunt, avocata sunt... | I have been diverted the mind You have been diverted the mind He/She/It has been diverted the mind We have been diverted the mind You have been diverted the mind They have been diverted the mind |
PlusPerfect | |
ego avocatus eram, avocata eram, avocatum eram... tu avocatus eras, avocata eras, avocatum eras... ille avocatus erat, avocata erat, avocatum erat... nos avocati erāmus, avocatae eramus, avocata eramus... vos avocati erātis, avocatae eratis, avocata eratis... illi avocati erant, avocatae erant, avocata erant... | I had been diverted the mind You had been diverted the mind He/She/It had been diverted the mind We had been diverted the mind You had been diverted the mind They had been diverted the mind |
Plusperfect | |
ego avocatus sum, avocata sum, avocatum sum... tu avocatus es, avocata es, avocatum es... ille avocatus est, avocata est, avocatum est... nos avocati sumus, avocatae sumus, avocata sumus... vos avocati estis, avocatae estis, avocata estis... illi avocati sunt, avocatae sunt, avocata sunt... | |
Pluperfect | |
ego avocatus eram, avocata eram, avocatum eram... tu avocatus eras, avocata eras, avocatum eras... ille avocatus erat, avocata erat, avocatum erat... nos avocati erāmus, avocatae eramus, avocata eramus... vos avocati erātis, avocatae eratis, avocata eratis... illi avocati erant, avocatae erant, avocata erant... | I had been diverted the mind You had been diverted the mind He/She/It had been diverted the mind We had been diverted the mind You had been diverted the mind They had been diverted the mind |
Future | |
ego avocābor tu avocabĕris ille avocabĭtur nos avocabĭmur vos avocabimĭni illi avocabuntur | I will be diverted the mind You will be diverted the mind He/She/It will be diverted the mind We will be diverted the mind You will be diverted the mind They will be diverted the mind |
Future perfect | |
ego avocatus ero, avocata ero, avocatum ero... tu avocatus eris, avocata eris, avocatum eris... ille avocatus erit, avocata erit, avocatum erit... nos avocati erimus, avocatae erimus, avocata erimus... vos avocati erĭtis, avocatae eritis, avocata eritis... illi avocati erunt, avocatae erunt, avocata erunt... | I will have been diverted the mind You will have been diverted the mind He/She/It will have been diverted the mind We will have been diverted the mind You will have been diverted the mind They will have been diverted the mind |
Present | |
ego avocer tu avocēris ille avocētur nos avocēmur vos avocemĭni illi avocentur | I (that )may be diverted the mind You (that )may be diverted the mind He/She/It (that )may be diverted the mind We (that )may be diverted the mind You (that )may be diverted the mind They (that )may be diverted the mind |
Imperfect | |
ego avocarer tu avocarēris ille avocarētur nos avocarēmur vos avocaremĭni illi avocarentur | I (that )might be diverted the mind You (that )might be diverted the mind He/She/It (that )might be diverted the mind We (that )might be diverted the mind You (that )might be diverted the mind They (that )might be diverted the mind |
Perfect | |
ego avocatus sim, avocata sim, avocatum sim... tu avocatus sis, avocata sis, avocatum sis... ille avocatus sit, avocata sit, avocatum sit... nos avocati simus, avocatae simus, avocata simus... vos avocati sitis, avocatae sitis, avocata sitis... illi avocati sint, avocatae sint, avocata sint... | I (whether) was diverted the mind You (whether) were diverted the mind He/She/It (whether) was diverted the mind We (whether) were diverted the mind You (whether) were diverted the mind They (whether) were diverted the mind |
Pluperfect | |
ego avocatus essem, avocata essem, avocatum essem... tu avocatus esses, avocata esses, avocatum esses... ille avocatus esset, avocata esset, avocatum esset... nos avocatessēmus, avocatae essemus, avocata essemus... vos avocatessētis, avocatae essetis, avocata essetis... illi avocati essent, avocatae essent, avocata essent... | I (whether) had been diverted the mind You (whether) had been diverted the mind He/She/It (whether) had been diverted the mind We (whether) had been diverted the mind You (whether) had been diverted the mind They (whether) had been diverted the mind |
Present | |
ego avocarer tu avocarēris ille avocarētur nos avocarēmur vos avocaremĭni illi avocarentur | I would be divert the mind You would be divert the mind He/She/It would be divert the mind We would be divert the mind You would be divert the mind They would be divert the mind |
Perfect | |
ego avocatus essem, avocata essem, avocatum essem... tu avocatus esses, avocata esses, avocatum esses... ille avocatus esset, avocata esset, avocatum esset... nos avocatessēmus, avocatae essemus, avocata essemus... vos avocatessētis, avocatae essetis, avocata essetis... illi avocati essent, avocatae essent, avocata essent... | I would have been diverted the mind You would have been diverted the mind He/She/It would have been diverted the mind We would have been diverted the mind You would have been diverted the mind They would have been diverted the mind |
Present | |
avocari | to be diverted the mind |
Perfect | |
avocatum esse, avocatam esse, avocatum esse, avocatos esse, avocatas esse, avocata esse... | to have been diverted the mind |
Future | |
avocatum iri | to be about to be diverted the mind |
Masculine | ought to be diverted |
Singolare | Plurale |
Nom.avocandus Gen.avocandi Dat.avocando Acc.avocandum Voc.avocande Abl.avocando | avocandi avocandorum avocandis avocandos avocandi avocandis |
Feminine | |
Nom.avocanda Gen.avocandae Dat.avocandae Acc.avocandam Voc.avocanda Abl.avocanda | avocandae avocandarum avocandis avocandas avocandae avocandis |
Neuter | |
Nom.avocandum Gen.avocandi Dat.avocando Acc.avocandum Voc.avocandum Abl.avocando | avocanda avocandorum avocandis avocanda avocanda avocandis |
avocatu | to the mind - in being diverted |
PARTICIPLE | meaning |
Perfect | diverted |
Masculine | |
Singolare | Plurale |
Nom.avocatus Gen.avocati Dat.avocato Acc.avocatum Voc.avocate Abl.avocato | avocati avocatorum avocatis avocatos avocati avocatis |
Feminine | |
Nom.avocata Gen.avocatae Dat.avocatae Acc.avocatam Voc.avocata Abl.avocata | avocatae avocatarum avocatis avocatas avocatae avocatis |
Neuter | |
Nom.avocatum Gen.avocati Dat.avocato Acc.avocatum Voc.avocatum Abl.avocato | avocata avocatorum avocatis avocata avocata avocatis |
- Full conjugation of avocare Active voice |