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Conjugation of: arripior, arripĕris, arreptus sum, - , arripi conjugation: 3 - transitivo - passiva (Ita) = afferrare, prendere, trascinare, sorprendere, assalire, (eng) = snatch away, take hold of, pick up, appropriate, arrest, assail,   (esp) = coger con prisa, agarrar, coger por sorpresa, apoderarse de, detener, lang. Latino |
Present | |
ego arripior tu arripĕris ille arripĭtur nos arripĭmur vos arripimĭni illi arripiuntur | I am snatched away You are snatched away He/She/It is snatched away We are snatched away You are snatched away They are snatched away |
Imperfect | |
ego arripiēbar tu arripiebāris ille arripiebātur nos arripiebāmur vos arripiebamĭni illi arripiebantur | I was being snatched away You were being snatched away He/She/It was being snatched away We were being snatched away You were being snatched away They were being snatched away |
Perfect | |
ego arreptus sum, arrepta sum, arreptum sum... tu arreptus es, arrepta es, arreptum es... ille arreptus est, arrepta est, arreptum est... nos arrepti sumus, arreptae sumus, arrepta sumus... vos arrepti estis, arreptae estis, arrepta estis... illi arrepti sunt, arreptae sunt, arrepta sunt... | I was snatched away You were snatched away He/She/It was snatched away We were snatched away You were snatched away They were snatched away |
Perfect | |
ego arreptus sum, arrepta sum, arreptum sum... tu arreptus es, arrepta es, arreptum es... ille arreptus est, arrepta est, arreptum est... nos arrepti sumus, arreptae sumus, arrepta sumus... vos arrepti estis, arreptae estis, arrepta estis... illi arrepti sunt, arreptae sunt, arrepta sunt... | I have been snatched away You have been snatched away He/She/It has been snatched away We have been snatched away You have been snatched away They have been snatched away |
PlusPerfect | |
ego arreptus eram, arrepta eram, arreptum eram... tu arreptus eras, arrepta eras, arreptum eras... ille arreptus erat, arrepta erat, arreptum erat... nos arrepti erāmus, arreptae eramus, arrepta eramus... vos arrepti erātis, arreptae eratis, arrepta eratis... illi arrepti erant, arreptae erant, arrepta erant... | I had been snatched away You had been snatched away He/She/It had been snatched away We had been snatched away You had been snatched away They had been snatched away |
Plusperfect | |
ego arreptus sum, arrepta sum, arreptum sum... tu arreptus es, arrepta es, arreptum es... ille arreptus est, arrepta est, arreptum est... nos arrepti sumus, arreptae sumus, arrepta sumus... vos arrepti estis, arreptae estis, arrepta estis... illi arrepti sunt, arreptae sunt, arrepta sunt... | |
Pluperfect | |
ego arreptus eram, arrepta eram, arreptum eram... tu arreptus eras, arrepta eras, arreptum eras... ille arreptus erat, arrepta erat, arreptum erat... nos arrepti erāmus, arreptae eramus, arrepta eramus... vos arrepti erātis, arreptae eratis, arrepta eratis... illi arrepti erant, arreptae erant, arrepta erant... | I had been snatched away You had been snatched away He/She/It had been snatched away We had been snatched away You had been snatched away They had been snatched away |
Future | |
ego arripiar tu arripiēris ille arripiētur nos arripiēmur vos arripiemĭni illi arripientur | I will be snatched away You will be snatched away He/She/It will be snatched away We will be snatched away You will be snatched away They will be snatched away |
Future perfect | |
ego arreptus ero, arrepta ero, arreptum ero... tu arreptus eris, arrepta eris, arreptum eris... ille arreptus erit, arrepta erit, arreptum erit... nos arrepti erimus, arreptae erimus, arrepta erimus... vos arrepti erĭtis, arreptae eritis, arrepta eritis... illi arrepti erunt, arreptae erunt, arrepta erunt... | I will have been snatched away You will have been snatched away He/She/It will have been snatched away We will have been snatched away You will have been snatched away They will have been snatched away |
Present | |
ego arripiar tu arripiāris ille arripiātur nos arripiāmur vos arripiamĭni illi arripiantur | I (that )may be snatched away You (that )may be snatched away He/She/It (that )may be snatched away We (that )may be snatched away You (that )may be snatched away They (that )may be snatched away |
Imperfect | |
ego arripĕrer tu arriperēris ille arriperētur nos arriperēmur vos arriperemĭni illi arriperentur | I (that )might be snatched away You (that )might be snatched away He/She/It (that )might be snatched away We (that )might be snatched away You (that )might be snatched away They (that )might be snatched away |
Perfect | |
ego arreptus sim, arrepta sim, arreptum sim... tu arreptus sis, arrepta sis, arreptum sis... ille arreptus sit, arrepta sit, arreptum sit... nos arrepti simus, arreptae simus, arrepta simus... vos arrepti sitis, arreptae sitis, arrepta sitis... illi arrepti sint, arreptae sint, arrepta sint... | I (whether) was snatched away You (whether) were snatched away He/She/It (whether) was snatched away We (whether) were snatched away You (whether) were snatched away They (whether) were snatched away |
Pluperfect | |
ego arreptus essem, arrepta essem, arreptum essem... tu arreptus esses, arrepta esses, arreptum esses... ille arreptus esset, arrepta esset, arreptum esset... nos arreptessēmus, arreptae essemus, arrepta essemus... vos arreptessētis, arreptae essetis, arrepta essetis... illi arrepti essent, arreptae essent, arrepta essent... | I (whether) had been snatched away You (whether) had been snatched away He/She/It (whether) had been snatched away We (whether) had been snatched away You (whether) had been snatched away They (whether) had been snatched away |
Present | |
ego arripĕrer tu arriperēris ille arriperētur nos arriperēmur vos arriperemĭni illi arriperentur | I would be snatch away You would be snatch away He/She/It would be snatch away We would be snatch away You would be snatch away They would be snatch away |
Perfect | |
ego arreptus essem, arrepta essem, arreptum essem... tu arreptus esses, arrepta esses, arreptum esses... ille arreptus esset, arrepta esset, arreptum esset... nos arreptessēmus, arreptae essemus, arrepta essemus... vos arreptessētis, arreptae essetis, arrepta essetis... illi arrepti essent, arreptae essent, arrepta essent... | I would have been snatched away You would have been snatched away He/She/It would have been snatched away We would have been snatched away You would have been snatched away They would have been snatched away |
Present | |
arripi | to be snatched away |
Perfect | |
arreptum esse, arreptam esse, arreptum esse, arreptos esse, arreptas esse, arrepta esse... | to have been snatched away |
Future | |
arreptum iri | to be about to be snatched away |
Masculine | ought to be snatched |
Singolare | Plurale |
Nom.arripiendus Gen.arripiendi Dat.arripiendo Acc.arripiendum Voc.arripiende Abl.arripiendo | arripiendi arripiendorum arripiendis arripiendos arripiendi arripiendis |
Feminine | |
Nom.arripienda Gen.arripiendae Dat.arripiendae Acc.arripiendam Voc.arripienda Abl.arripienda | arripiendae arripiendarum arripiendis arripiendas arripiendae arripiendis |
Neuter | |
Nom.arripiendum Gen.arripiendi Dat.arripiendo Acc.arripiendum Voc.arripiendum Abl.arripiendo | arripienda arripiendorum arripiendis arripienda arripienda arripiendis |
arreptu | to snatch away - in being snatched |
PARTICIPLE | meaning |
Perfect | snatched |
Masculine | |
Singolare | Plurale |
Nom.arreptus Gen.arrepti Dat.arrepto Acc.arreptum Voc.arrepte Abl.arrepto | arrepti arreptorum arreptis arreptos arrepti arreptis |
Feminine | |
Nom.arrepta Gen.arreptae Dat.arreptae Acc.arreptam Voc.arrepta Abl.arrepta | arreptae arreptarum arreptis arreptas arreptae arreptis |
Neuter | |
Nom.arreptum Gen.arrepti Dat.arrepto Acc.arreptum Voc.arreptum Abl.arrepto | arrepta arreptorum arreptis arrepta arrepta arreptis |
- Full conjugation of arripere Active voice |