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Conjugation of: appello, appellas, appellavi, appellatum, appellāre conjugation: 1 - transitivo - attiva (Ita) = chiamare, (eng) = call,   (esp) = dirigir la palabra, apostrofar, hablar a, llamar, mencianar, pronunciar, lang. Latino |
Present | |
ego appello tu appellas ille appellat nos appellāmus vos appellātis illi appellant | I call You call He/She/It calls We call You call They call |
Imperfect | |
ego appellābam tu appellābas ille appellābat nos appellabāmus vos appellabatis illi appellābant | I was calling You were calling He/She/It was calling We were calling You were calling They were calling |
Perfect | |
ego appellavi tu appellavisti, appellasti... ille appellavit nos appellavĭmus vos appellavistis, appellastis... illi appellavērunt, appellarunt, appellavere... | I called You called He/She/It called We called You called They called |
Perfect | |
ego appellavi tu appellavisti, appellasti... ille appellavit nos appellavĭmus vos appellavistis, appellastis... illi appellavērunt, appellarunt, appellavere... | I have called You have called He/She/It has called We have called You have called They have called |
PlusPerfect | |
ego appellavĕram, appellaram... tu appellavĕras, appellaras... ille appellavĕrat, appellarat... nos appellaverāmus, appellaramus... vos appellaverātis, appellaratis... illi appellaverant, appellarant... | I had called You had called He/She/It had called We had called You had called They had called |
Plusperfect | |
ego appellavi tu appellavisti, appellasti... ille appellavit nos appellavĭmus vos appellavistis, appellastis... illi appellavērunt, appellarunt, appellavere... | |
Pluperfect | |
ego appellavĕram, appellaram... tu appellavĕras, appellaras... ille appellavĕrat, appellarat... nos appellaverāmus, appellaramus... vos appellaverātis, appellaratis... illi appellaverant, appellarant... | I had called You had called He/She/It had called We had called You had called They had called |
Future | |
ego appellābo tu appellābis ille appellābit nos appellabĭmus vos appellabĭtis illi appellābunt | I will call You will call He/She/It will call We will call You will call They will call |
Future perfect | |
ego appellavĕro, appellaro... tu appellavĕris, appellaris... ille appellavĕrit, appellarit... nos appellaverĭmus, appellarimus... vos appellaverĭtis, appellaritis... illi appellavĕrint, appellarint... | I will have called You will have called He/She/It will have called We will have called You will have called They will have called |
Present | |
ego appellem tu appelles ille appellet nos appellēmus vos appellētis illi appellent | I (that )may call You (that )may call He/She/It (that )may call We (that )may call You (that )may call They (that )may call |
Imperfect | |
ego appellārem tu appellāres ille appellāret nos appellarēmus vos appellarētis illi appellārent | I (that )might call You (that )might call He/She/It (that )might call We (that )might call You (that )might call They (that )might call |
Perfect | |
ego appellavĕrim, appellarim... tu appellavĕris, appellaris... ille appellavĕrit, appellarit... nos appellaverĭmus, appellarimus... vos appellaverĭtis, appellaritis... illi appellavĕrint, appellarint... | I (whether) called You (whether) called He/She/It (whether) called We (whether) called You (whether) called They (whether) called |
Pluperfect | |
ego appellavissem, appellassem... tu appellavisses, appellasses... ille appellavisset, appellasset... nos appellavissēmus, appellassemus... vos appellavissētis, appellassetis... illi appellavissent, appellassent... | I (whether) had called You (whether) had called He/She/It (whether) had called We (whether) had called You (whether) had called They (whether) had called |
Present | |
ego appellārem tu appellāres ille appellāret nos appellarēmus vos appellarētis illi appellārent | I would call You would call He/She/It would call We would call You would call They would call |
Perfect | |
ego appellavissem, appellassem... tu appellavisses, appellasses... ille appellavisset, appellasset... nos appellavissēmus, appellassemus... vos appellavissētis, appellassetis... illi appellavissent, appellassent... | I would have called You would have called He/She/It would have called We would have called You would have called They would have called |
Present | |
appella appellate Future appellato appellato appellatote appellanto | you call you call you shall call he,she,it shall call you shall call they shall call |
Present | |
appellāre | to call |
Perfect | |
appellavisse, appellasse... | to have called |
Future | |
appellaturum esse, appellaturam esse, appellaturum esse, appellaturos esse, appellaturas esse, appellatura esse... | to be about to call |
appellandi, appellando, appellandum, appellando... | of calling to, for calling calling by.. calling |
appellatum | to call |
PARTICIPLE | meaning |
Present | calling |
Masculine | |
Singolare | Plurale |
Nom.appellans Gen.appellantis Dat.appellanti Acc.appellantem Voc.appellans Abl.appellante, appellanti... | appellantes appellantium appellantibus appellantes appellantes appellantibus |
Feminine | |
Nom.appellans Gen.appellantis Dat.appellanti Acc.appellantem Voc.appellans Abl.appellante, appellanti... | appellantes appellantium appellantibus appellantes appellantes appellantibus |
Neuter | |
Nom.appellans Gen.appellantis Dat.appellanti Acc.appellans Voc.appellans Abl.appellante, appellanti... | appellantia appellantium appellantibus appellantia appellantia appellantibus |
PARTICIPLE | meaning |
Future | about to call |
Masculine | |
Singolare | Plurale |
Nom.appellaturus Gen.appellaturi Dat.appellaturo Acc.appellaturum Voc.appellature Abl.appellaturo | appellaturi appellaturorum appellaturis appellaturos appellaturi appellaturis |
Feminine | |
Nom.appellatura Gen.appellaturae Dat.appellaturae Acc.appellaturam Voc.appellatura Abl.appellatura | appellaturae appellaturarum appellaturis appellaturas appellaturae appellaturis |
Neuter | |
Nom.appellaturum Gen.appellaturi Dat.appellaturo Acc.appellaturum Voc.appellaturum Abl.appellaturo | appellatura appellaturorum appellaturis appellatura appellatura appellaturis |
- Full conjugation of appellari Passive voice |