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- Full conjugation of animadverti animadverti = animadvertere: Verbo passivo INFINITIVE Present |
meaning | |
Present | |
animadverti | to be noticed |
Conjugation of: animadverto, animadvertis, animadverti, animadversŭm, animadvertĕre conjugation: 3 - transitivo - attiva (Ita) = osservare, considerare, notare, (eng) = observe, attend to, remark, notice, understand, perceive, avenge, punish, blame,   (esp) = prestar atención, cuidar de, reconocer, constatar, observar, reparar, censurar, reprender, criticar, lang. Latino |
Present | |
ego animadverto tu animadvertis ille animadvertit nos animadvertīmus vos animadvertītis illi animadvertunt | I notice You notice He/She/It notices We notice You notice They notice |
Imperfect | |
ego animadvertēbam tu animadvertēbas ille animadvertēbat nos animadvertebāmus vos animadvertebātis illi animadvertēbant | I was noticing You were noticing He/She/It was noticing We were noticing You were noticing They were noticing |
Perfect | |
ego animadverti tu animadvertisti ille animadvertit nos animadvertĭmus vos animadvertistis illi animadvertērunt, animadvertere... | I noticed You noticed He/She/It noticed We noticed You noticed They noticed |
Perfect | |
ego animadverti tu animadvertisti ille animadvertit nos animadvertĭmus vos animadvertistis illi animadvertērunt, animadvertere... | I have noticed You have noticed He/She/It has noticed We have noticed You have noticed They have noticed |
PlusPerfect | |
ego animadvertĕram tu animadvertĕras ille animadvertĕrat nos animadverterāmus vos animadverterātis illi animadvertĕrant | I had noticed You had noticed He/She/It had noticed We had noticed You had noticed They had noticed |
Plusperfect | |
ego animadverti tu animadvertisti ille animadvertit nos animadvertĭmus vos animadvertistis illi animadvertērunt, animadvertere... | |
Pluperfect | |
ego animadvertĕram tu animadvertĕras ille animadvertĕrat nos animadverterāmus vos animadverterātis illi animadvertĕrant | I had noticed You had noticed He/She/It had noticed We had noticed You had noticed They had noticed |
Future | |
ego animadvertam tu animadvertes ille animadvertet nos animadvertēmus vos animadvertētis illi animadvertent | I will notice You will notice He/She/It will notice We will notice You will notice They will notice |
Future perfect | |
ego animadvertĕro tu animadvertĕris ille animadvertĕrit nos animadverterĭmus vos animadverterĭtis illi animadvertĕrint | I will have noticed You will have noticed He/She/It will have noticed We will have noticed You will have noticed They will have noticed |
Present | |
ego animadvertam tu animadvertas ille animadvertat nos animadvertāmus vos animadvertātis illi animadvertant | I (that )may notice You (that )may notice He/She/It (that )may notice We (that )may notice You (that )may notice They (that )may notice |
Imperfect | |
ego animadvertĕrem tu animadvertĕres ille animadvertĕret nos animadverterēmus vos animadverterētis illi animadvertĕrent | I (that )might notice You (that )might notice He/She/It (that )might notice We (that )might notice You (that )might notice They (that )might notice |
Perfect | |
ego animadvertĕrim tu animadvertĕris ille animadvertĕrit nos animadverterĭmus vos animadverterĭtis illi animadvert;ĕrint | I (whether) noticed You (whether) noticed He/She/It (whether) noticed We (whether) noticed You (whether) noticed They (whether) noticed |
Pluperfect | |
ego animadvertissem tu animadvertisses ille animadvertisset nos animadvertissēmus vos animadvertissētis illi animadvertissent | I (whether) had noticed You (whether) had noticed He/She/It (whether) had noticed We (whether) had noticed You (whether) had noticed They (whether) had noticed |
Present | |
ego animadvertĕrem tu animadvertĕres ille animadvertĕret nos animadverterēmus vos animadverterētis illi animadvertĕrent | I would notice You would notice He/She/It would notice We would notice You would notice They would notice |
Perfect | |
ego animadvertissem tu animadvertisses ille animadvertisset nos animadvertissēmus vos animadvertissētis illi animadvertissent | I would have noticed You would have noticed He/She/It would have noticed We would have noticed You would have noticed They would have noticed |
Present | |
animadverte animadvertite Future animadvertito animadvertito animadvertitote animadvertunto | you notice you notice you shall notice he,she,it shall notice you shall notice they shall notice |
Present | |
animadvertĕre | to notice |
Perfect | |
animadvertisse | to have noticed |
Future | |
animadversurum esse, animadversuram esse, animadversurum esse, animadversuros esse, animadversuras esse, animadversura esse... | to be about to notice |
animadvertendi, animadvertendo, animadvertendum, animadvertendo... | of noticing to, for noticing noticing by.. noticing |
animadversŭm | to notice |
PARTICIPLE | meaning |
Present | noticing |
Masculine | |
Singolare | Plurale |
Nom.animadvertens Gen.animadvertentis Dat.animadvertenti Acc.animadvertentem Voc.animadvertens Abl.animadvertente, animadvertenti... | animadvertentes animadvertentium animadvertentibus animadvertentes animadvertentes animadvertentibus |
Feminine | |
Nom.animadvertens Gen.animadvertentis Dat.animadvertenti Acc.animadvertentem Voc.animadvertens Abl.animadvertente, animadvertenti... | animadvertentes animadvertentium animadvertentibus animadvertentes animadvertentes animadvertentibus |
Neuter | |
Nom.animadvertens Gen.animadvertentis Dat.animadvertenti Acc.animadvertens Voc.animadvertens Abl.animadvertente, animadvertenti... | animadvertentia animadvertentium animadvertentibus animadvertentia animadvertentia animadvertentibus |
PARTICIPLE | meaning |
Future | about to notice |
Masculine | |
Singolare | Plurale |
Nom.animadversurus Gen.animadversuri Dat.animadversuro Acc.animadversurum Voc.animadversure Abl.animadversuro | animadversuri animadversurorum animadversuris animadversuros animadversuri animadversuris |
Feminine | |
Nom.animadversura Gen.animadversurae Dat.animadversurae Acc.animadversuram Voc.animadversura Abl.animadversura | animadversurae animadversurarum animadversuris animadversuras animadversurae animadversuris |
Neuter | |
Nom.animadversurum Gen.animadversuri Dat.animadversuro Acc.animadversurum Voc.animadversurum Abl.animadversuro | animadversura animadversurorum animadversuris animadversura animadversura animadversuris |
- Full conjugation of animadverti Passive voice |
Conjugation of: animadvertor, animadvertĕris, animadversus sum, - , animadverti conjugation: 3 - transitivo - passiva (Ita) = osservare, considerare, notare, (eng) = observe, attend to, remark, notice, understand, perceive, avenge, punish, blame,   (esp) = prestar atención, cuidar de, reconocer, constatar, observar, reparar, censurar, reprender, criticar, lang. Latino |
Present | |
ego animadvertor tu animadvertĕris ille animadvertĭtur nos animadvertĭmur vos animadvertimĭni illi animadvertuntur | I am noticed You are noticed He/She/It is noticed We are noticed You are noticed They are noticed |
Imperfect | |
ego animadvertēbar tu animadvertebāris ille animadvertebātur nos animadvertebāmur vos animadvertebamĭni illi animadvertebantur | I was being noticed You were being noticed He/She/It was being noticed We were being noticed You were being noticed They were being noticed |
Perfect | |
ego animadversus sum, animadversa sum, animadversum sum... tu animadversus es, animadversa es, animadversum es... ille animadversus est, animadversa est, animadversum est... nos animadversi sumus, animadversae sumus, animadversa sumus... vos animadversi estis, animadversae estis, animadversa estis... illi animadversi sunt, animadversae sunt, animadversa sunt... | I was noticed You were noticed He/She/It was noticed We were noticed You were noticed They were noticed |
Perfect | |
ego animadversus sum, animadversa sum, animadversum sum... tu animadversus es, animadversa es, animadversum es... ille animadversus est, animadversa est, animadversum est... nos animadversi sumus, animadversae sumus, animadversa sumus... vos animadversi estis, animadversae estis, animadversa estis... illi animadversi sunt, animadversae sunt, animadversa sunt... | I have been noticed You have been noticed He/She/It has been noticed We have been noticed You have been noticed They have been noticed |
PlusPerfect | |
ego animadversus eram, animadversa eram, animadversum eram... tu animadversus eras, animadversa eras, animadversum eras... ille animadversus erat, animadversa erat, animadversum erat... nos animadversi erāmus, animadversae eramus, animadversa eramus... vos animadversi erātis, animadversae eratis, animadversa eratis... illi animadversi erant, animadversae erant, animadversa erant... | I had been noticed You had been noticed He/She/It had been noticed We had been noticed You had been noticed They had been noticed |
Plusperfect | |
ego animadversus sum, animadversa sum, animadversum sum... tu animadversus es, animadversa es, animadversum es... ille animadversus est, animadversa est, animadversum est... nos animadversi sumus, animadversae sumus, animadversa sumus... vos animadversi estis, animadversae estis, animadversa estis... illi animadversi sunt, animadversae sunt, animadversa sunt... | |
Pluperfect | |
ego animadversus eram, animadversa eram, animadversum eram... tu animadversus eras, animadversa eras, animadversum eras... ille animadversus erat, animadversa erat, animadversum erat... nos animadversi erāmus, animadversae eramus, animadversa eramus... vos animadversi erātis, animadversae eratis, animadversa eratis... illi animadversi erant, animadversae erant, animadversa erant... | I had been noticed You had been noticed He/She/It had been noticed We had been noticed You had been noticed They had been noticed |
Future | |
ego animadvertar tu animadvertēris ille animadvertētur nos animadvertēmur vos animadvertemĭni illi animadvertentur | I will be noticed You will be noticed He/She/It will be noticed We will be noticed You will be noticed They will be noticed |
Future perfect | |
ego animadversus ero, animadversa ero, animadversum ero... tu animadversus eris, animadversa eris, animadversum eris... ille animadversus erit, animadversa erit, animadversum erit... nos animadversi erimus, animadversae erimus, animadversa erimus... vos animadversi erĭtis, animadversae eritis, animadversa eritis... illi animadversi erunt, animadversae erunt, animadversa erunt... | I will have been noticed You will have been noticed He/She/It will have been noticed We will have been noticed You will have been noticed They will have been noticed |
Present | |
ego animadvertar tu animadvertāris ille animadvertātur nos animadvertāmur vos animadvertamĭni illi animadvertantur | I (that )may be noticed You (that )may be noticed He/She/It (that )may be noticed We (that )may be noticed You (that )may be noticed They (that )may be noticed |
Imperfect | |
ego animadvertĕrer tu animadverterēris ille animadverterētur nos animadverterēmur vos animadverteremĭni illi animadverterentur | I (that )might be noticed You (that )might be noticed He/She/It (that )might be noticed We (that )might be noticed You (that )might be noticed They (that )might be noticed |
Perfect | |
ego animadversus sim, animadversa sim, animadversum sim... tu animadversus sis, animadversa sis, animadversum sis... ille animadversus sit, animadversa sit, animadversum sit... nos animadversi simus, animadversae simus, animadversa simus... vos animadversi sitis, animadversae sitis, animadversa sitis... illi animadversi sint, animadversae sint, animadversa sint... | I (whether) was noticed You (whether) were noticed He/She/It (whether) was noticed We (whether) were noticed You (whether) were noticed They (whether) were noticed |
Pluperfect | |
ego animadversus essem, animadversa essem, animadversum essem... tu animadversus esses, animadversa esses, animadversum esses... ille animadversus esset, animadversa esset, animadversum esset... nos animadversessēmus, animadversae essemus, animadversa essemus... vos animadversessētis, animadversae essetis, animadversa essetis... illi animadversi essent, animadversae essent, animadversa essent... | I (whether) had been noticed You (whether) had been noticed He/She/It (whether) had been noticed We (whether) had been noticed You (whether) had been noticed They (whether) had been noticed |
Present | |
ego animadvertĕrer tu animadverterēris ille animadverterētur nos animadverterēmur vos animadverteremĭni illi animadverterentur | I would be notice You would be notice He/She/It would be notice We would be notice You would be notice They would be notice |
Perfect | |
ego animadversus essem, animadversa essem, animadversum essem... tu animadversus esses, animadversa esses, animadversum esses... ille animadversus esset, animadversa esset, animadversum esset... nos animadversessēmus, animadversae essemus, animadversa essemus... vos animadversessētis, animadversae essetis, animadversa essetis... illi animadversi essent, animadversae essent, animadversa essent... | I would have been noticed You would have been noticed He/She/It would have been noticed We would have been noticed You would have been noticed They would have been noticed |
Present | |
animadverti | to be noticed |
Perfect | |
animadversum esse, animadversam esse, animadversum esse, animadversos esse, animadversas esse, animadversa esse... | to have been noticed |
Future | |
animadversum iri | to be about to be noticed |
Masculine | ought to be noticed |
Singolare | Plurale |
Nom.animadvertendus Gen.animadvertendi Dat.animadvertendo Acc.animadvertendum Voc.animadvertende Abl.animadvertendo | animadvertendi animadvertendorum animadvertendis animadvertendos animadvertendi animadvertendis |
Feminine | |
Nom.animadvertenda Gen.animadvertendae Dat.animadvertendae Acc.animadvertendam Voc.animadvertenda Abl.animadvertenda | animadvertendae animadvertendarum animadvertendis animadvertendas animadvertendae animadvertendis |
Neuter | |
Nom.animadvertendum Gen.animadvertendi Dat.animadvertendo Acc.animadvertendum Voc.animadvertendum Abl.animadvertendo | animadvertenda animadvertendorum animadvertendis animadvertenda animadvertenda animadvertendis |
animadversu | to - in being noticed |
PARTICIPLE | meaning |
Perfect | noticed |
Masculine | |
Singolare | Plurale |
Nom.animadversus Gen.animadversi Dat.animadverso Acc.animadversum Voc.animadverse Abl.animadverso | animadversi animadversorum animadversis animadversos animadversi animadversis |
Feminine | |
Nom.animadversa Gen.animadversae Dat.animadversae Acc.animadversam Voc.animadversa Abl.animadversa | animadversae animadversarum animadversis animadversas animadversae animadversis |
Neuter | |
Nom.animadversum Gen.animadversi Dat.animadverso Acc.animadversum Voc.animadversum Abl.animadverso | animadversa animadversorum animadversis animadversa animadversa animadversis |
- Full conjugation of animadvertere Active voice |