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- Declention of: allici nome Declention of: allec nome |
Declention of: allec, allicis, meaning:salsa di pesce, neut., lang. Latino declention: 3 Dat.: neut. sing. |
neutro | ||
Singolare | Plurale | Nom.allec Gen.allicĭs Dat.allicī Acc.allec Voc.allec Abl.allicĕ | allică allicŭm allicĭbus allică allică allicĭbus |
- Declention of: allici nome Declention of: allex nome |
Declention of: allex, allicis, meaning:salsa di pesce, masc./fem, lang. Latino declention: 3 Dat.: masc. sing. |
maschile | ||
Singolare | Plurale | Nom.allex Gen.allicĭs Dat.allicī Acc.allicĕm Voc.allex Abl.allicĕ | allicēs allicŭm allicĭbus allicēs allicēs allicĭbus |
Conjugation of: allicior, allicĕris, allectus sum, - , allici conjugation: 3 - transitivo - passiva (Ita) = adescare, (eng) = draw gently to, entice, attract, (esp) = atraerse, seducir, ganar, mover, incitar, lang. Latino |
Present | |
ego allicior tu allicĕris ille allicĭtur nos allicĭmur vos allicimĭni illi alliciuntur | I am drawn gently to You are drawn gently to He/She/It is drawn gently to We are drawn gently to You are drawn gently to They are drawn gently to |
Imperfect | |
ego alliciēbar tu alliciebāris ille alliciebātur nos alliciebāmur vos alliciebamĭni illi alliciebantur | I was being drawn gently to You were being drawn gently to He/She/It was being drawn gently to We were being drawn gently to You were being drawn gently to They were being drawn gently to |
Perfect | |
ego allectus sum, allecta sum, allectum sum... tu allectus es, allecta es, allectum es... ille allectus est, allecta est, allectum est... nos allecti sumus, allectae sumus, allecta sumus... vos allecti estis, allectae estis, allecta estis... illi allecti sunt, allectae sunt, allecta sunt... | I was drawn gently to You were drawn gently to He/She/It was drawn gently to We were drawn gently to You were drawn gently to They were drawn gently to |
Perfect | |
ego allectus sum, allecta sum, allectum sum... tu allectus es, allecta es, allectum es... ille allectus est, allecta est, allectum est... nos allecti sumus, allectae sumus, allecta sumus... vos allecti estis, allectae estis, allecta estis... illi allecti sunt, allectae sunt, allecta sunt... | I have been drawn gently to You have been drawn gently to He/She/It has been drawn gently to We have been drawn gently to You have been drawn gently to They have been drawn gently to |
PlusPerfect | |
ego allectus eram, allecta eram, allectum eram... tu allectus eras, allecta eras, allectum eras... ille allectus erat, allecta erat, allectum erat... nos allecti erāmus, allectae eramus, allecta eramus... vos allecti erātis, allectae eratis, allecta eratis... illi allecti erant, allectae erant, allecta erant... | I had been drawn gently to You had been drawn gently to He/She/It had been drawn gently to We had been drawn gently to You had been drawn gently to They had been drawn gently to |
Plusperfect | |
ego allectus sum, allecta sum, allectum sum... tu allectus es, allecta es, allectum es... ille allectus est, allecta est, allectum est... nos allecti sumus, allectae sumus, allecta sumus... vos allecti estis, allectae estis, allecta estis... illi allecti sunt, allectae sunt, allecta sunt... | |
Pluperfect | |
ego allectus eram, allecta eram, allectum eram... tu allectus eras, allecta eras, allectum eras... ille allectus erat, allecta erat, allectum erat... nos allecti erāmus, allectae eramus, allecta eramus... vos allecti erātis, allectae eratis, allecta eratis... illi allecti erant, allectae erant, allecta erant... | I had been drawn gently to You had been drawn gently to He/She/It had been drawn gently to We had been drawn gently to You had been drawn gently to They had been drawn gently to |
Future | |
ego alliciar tu alliciēris ille alliciētur nos alliciēmur vos alliciemĭni illi allicientur | I will be drawn gently to You will be drawn gently to He/She/It will be drawn gently to We will be drawn gently to You will be drawn gently to They will be drawn gently to |
Future perfect | |
ego allectus ero, allecta ero, allectum ero... tu allectus eris, allecta eris, allectum eris... ille allectus erit, allecta erit, allectum erit... nos allecti erimus, allectae erimus, allecta erimus... vos allecti erĭtis, allectae eritis, allecta eritis... illi allecti erunt, allectae erunt, allecta erunt... | I will have been drawn gently to You will have been drawn gently to He/She/It will have been drawn gently to We will have been drawn gently to You will have been drawn gently to They will have been drawn gently to |
Present | |
ego alliciar tu alliciāris ille alliciātur nos alliciāmur vos alliciamĭni illi alliciantur | I (that )may be drawn gently to You (that )may be drawn gently to He/She/It (that )may be drawn gently to We (that )may be drawn gently to You (that )may be drawn gently to They (that )may be drawn gently to |
Imperfect | |
ego allicĕrer tu allicerēris ille allicerētur nos allicerēmur vos alliceremĭni illi allicerentur | I (that )might be drawn gently to You (that )might be drawn gently to He/She/It (that )might be drawn gently to We (that )might be drawn gently to You (that )might be drawn gently to They (that )might be drawn gently to |
Perfect | |
ego allectus sim, allecta sim, allectum sim... tu allectus sis, allecta sis, allectum sis... ille allectus sit, allecta sit, allectum sit... nos allecti simus, allectae simus, allecta simus... vos allecti sitis, allectae sitis, allecta sitis... illi allecti sint, allectae sint, allecta sint... | I (whether) was drawn gently to You (whether) were drawn gently to He/She/It (whether) was drawn gently to We (whether) were drawn gently to You (whether) were drawn gently to They (whether) were drawn gently to |
Pluperfect | |
ego allectus essem, allecta essem, allectum essem... tu allectus esses, allecta esses, allectum esses... ille allectus esset, allecta esset, allectum esset... nos allectessēmus, allectae essemus, allecta essemus... vos allectessētis, allectae essetis, allecta essetis... illi allecti essent, allectae essent, allecta essent... | I (whether) had been drawn gently to You (whether) had been drawn gently to He/She/It (whether) had been drawn gently to We (whether) had been drawn gently to You (whether) had been drawn gently to They (whether) had been drawn gently to |
Present | |
ego allicĕrer tu allicerēris ille allicerētur nos allicerēmur vos alliceremĭni illi allicerentur | I would be draw gently to You would be draw gently to He/She/It would be draw gently to We would be draw gently to You would be draw gently to They would be draw gently to |
Perfect | |
ego allectus essem, allecta essem, allectum essem... tu allectus esses, allecta esses, allectum esses... ille allectus esset, allecta esset, allectum esset... nos allectessēmus, allectae essemus, allecta essemus... vos allectessētis, allectae essetis, allecta essetis... illi allecti essent, allectae essent, allecta essent... | I would have been drawn gently to You would have been drawn gently to He/She/It would have been drawn gently to We would have been drawn gently to You would have been drawn gently to They would have been drawn gently to |
Present | |
allici | to be drawn gently to |
Perfect | |
allectum esse, allectam esse, allectum esse, allectos esse, allectas esse, allecta esse... | to have been drawn gently to |
Future | |
allectum iri | to be about to be drawn gently to |
Masculine | ought to be drawn |
Singolare | Plurale |
Nom.alliciendus Gen.alliciendi Dat.alliciendo Acc.alliciendum Voc.alliciende Abl.alliciendo | alliciendi alliciendorum alliciendis alliciendos alliciendi alliciendis |
Feminine | |
Nom.allicienda Gen.alliciendae Dat.alliciendae Acc.alliciendam Voc.allicienda Abl.allicienda | alliciendae alliciendarum alliciendis alliciendas alliciendae alliciendis |
Neuter | |
Nom.alliciendum Gen.alliciendi Dat.alliciendo Acc.alliciendum Voc.alliciendum Abl.alliciendo | allicienda alliciendorum alliciendis allicienda allicienda alliciendis |
allectu | to gently to - in being drawn |
PARTICIPLE | meaning |
Perfect | drawn |
Masculine | |
Singolare | Plurale |
Nom.allectus Gen.allecti Dat.allecto Acc.allectum Voc.allecte Abl.allecto | allecti allectorum allectis allectos allecti allectis |
Feminine | |
Nom.allecta Gen.allectae Dat.allectae Acc.allectam Voc.allecta Abl.allecta | allectae allectarum allectis allectas allectae allectis |
Neuter | |
Nom.allectum Gen.allecti Dat.allecto Acc.allectum Voc.allectum Abl.allecto | allecta allectorum allectis allecta allecta allectis |
- Full conjugation of allicere Active voice |