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(Es. pueris - amati sunt ...) |
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Conjugation of: ago, agis, egi, actŭm, agĕre conjugation: 3 - transitivo - attiva (Ita) = condurre, comportarsi, spingere, agire, tratare, parlare, (eng) = drive, act, do, transact, carry off, steal, apply, rouse, deal, think, manage, spend disturb, (esp) = mover hacia adelante, llevar, conducir, poner en movimento, hacer avanzar, trazar, perseguir, cazar, lang. Latino |
Present | |
ego ago tu agis ille agit nos agīmus vos agītis illi agunt | I spend disturb You spend disturb He/She/It spends disturb We spend disturb You spend disturb They spend disturb |
Imperfect | |
ego agēbam tu agēbas ille agēbat nos agebāmus vos agebātis illi agēbant | I was spending disturb You were spending disturb He/She/It was spending disturb We were spending disturb You were spending disturb They were spending disturb |
Perfect | |
ego egi tu egisti ille egit nos egĭmus vos egistis illi egērunt, egere... | I spent disturb You spent disturb He/She/It spent disturb We spent disturb You spent disturb They spent disturb |
Perfect | |
ego egi tu egisti ille egit nos egĭmus vos egistis illi egērunt, egere... | I have spent disturb You have spent disturb He/She/It has spent disturb We have spent disturb You have spent disturb They have spent disturb |
PlusPerfect | |
ego egĕram tu egĕras ille egĕrat nos egerāmus vos egerātis illi egĕrant | I had spent disturb You had spent disturb He/She/It had spent disturb We had spent disturb You had spent disturb They had spent disturb |
Plusperfect | |
ego egi tu egisti ille egit nos egĭmus vos egistis illi egērunt, egere... | |
Pluperfect | |
ego egĕram tu egĕras ille egĕrat nos egerāmus vos egerātis illi egĕrant | I had spent disturb You had spent disturb He/She/It had spent disturb We had spent disturb You had spent disturb They had spent disturb |
Future | |
ego agam tu ages ille aget nos agēmus vos agētis illi agent | I will spend disturb You will spend disturb He/She/It will spend disturb We will spend disturb You will spend disturb They will spend disturb |
Future perfect | |
ego egĕro tu egĕris ille egĕrit nos egerĭmus vos egerĭtis illi egĕrint | I will have spent disturb You will have spent disturb He/She/It will have spent disturb We will have spent disturb You will have spent disturb They will have spent disturb |
Present | |
ego agam tu agas ille agat nos agāmus vos agātis illi agant | I (that )may spend disturb You (that )may spend disturb He/She/It (that )may spend disturb We (that )may spend disturb You (that )may spend disturb They (that )may spend disturb |
Imperfect | |
ego agĕrem tu agĕres ille agĕret nos agerēmus vos agerētis illi agĕrent | I (that )might spend disturb You (that )might spend disturb He/She/It (that )might spend disturb We (that )might spend disturb You (that )might spend disturb They (that )might spend disturb |
Perfect | |
ego egĕrim tu egĕris ille egĕrit nos egerĭmus vos egerĭtis illi eg;ĕrint | I (whether) spent disturb You (whether) spent disturb He/She/It (whether) spent disturb We (whether) spent disturb You (whether) spent disturb They (whether) spent disturb |
Pluperfect | |
ego egissem tu egisses ille egisset nos egissēmus vos egissētis illi egissent | I (whether) had spent disturb You (whether) had spent disturb He/She/It (whether) had spent disturb We (whether) had spent disturb You (whether) had spent disturb They (whether) had spent disturb |
Present | |
ego agĕrem tu agĕres ille agĕret nos agerēmus vos agerētis illi agĕrent | I would spend disturb You would spend disturb He/She/It would spend disturb We would spend disturb You would spend disturb They would spend disturb |
Perfect | |
ego egissem tu egisses ille egisset nos egissēmus vos egissētis illi egissent | I would have spent disturb You would have spent disturb He/She/It would have spent disturb We would have spent disturb You would have spent disturb They would have spent disturb |
Present | |
age agite Future agito agito agitote agunto | you spend disturb you spend disturb you shall spend disturb he,she,it shall spend disturb you shall spend disturb they shall spend disturb |
Present | |
agĕre | to spend disturb |
Perfect | |
egisse | to have spent disturb |
Future | |
acturum esse, acturam esse, acturum esse, acturos esse, acturas esse, actura esse... | to be about to spend disturb |
agendi, agendo, agendum, agendo... | of spending disturb to, for spending disturb spending disturb by.. spending disturb |
actŭm | to spend disturb |
PARTICIPLE | meaning |
Present | spending |
Masculine | |
Singolare | Plurale |
Nom.agens Gen.agentis Dat.agenti Acc.agentem Voc.agens Abl.agente, agenti... | agentes agentium agentibus agentes agentes agentibus |
Feminine | |
Nom.agens Gen.agentis Dat.agenti Acc.agentem Voc.agens Abl.agente, agenti... | agentes agentium agentibus agentes agentes agentibus |
Neuter | |
Nom.agens Gen.agentis Dat.agenti Acc.agens Voc.agens Abl.agente, agenti... | agentia agentium agentibus agentia agentia agentibus |
PARTICIPLE | meaning |
Future | about to spend |
Masculine | |
Singolare | Plurale |
Nom.acturus Gen.acturi Dat.acturo Acc.acturum Voc.acture Abl.acturo | acturi acturorum acturis acturos acturi acturis |
Feminine | |
Nom.actura Gen.acturae Dat.acturae Acc.acturam Voc.actura Abl.actura | acturae acturarum acturis acturas acturae acturis |
Neuter | |
Nom.acturum Gen.acturi Dat.acturo Acc.acturum Voc.acturum Abl.acturo | actura acturorum acturis actura actura acturis |
- Full conjugation of agi Passive voice |