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Conjugation of: abundo, abundas, abundavi, abundatum, abundāre conjugation: 1 - intransitivo - attiva (Ita) = abbondare, intr., (eng) = abound in, be rich,   (esp) = desbordar, abundar, lang. Latino |
Present | |
ego abundo tu abundas ille abundat nos abundāmus vos abundātis illi abundant | I abound in You abound in He/She/It abounds in We abound in You abound in They abound in |
Imperfect | |
ego abundābam tu abundābas ille abundābat nos abundabāmus vos abundabatis illi abundābant | I was abounding in You were abounding in He/She/It was abounding in We were abounding in You were abounding in They were abounding in |
Perfect | |
ego abundavi tu abundavisti, abundasti... ille abundavit nos abundavĭmus vos abundavistis, abundastis... illi abundavērunt, abundarunt, abundavere... | I abounded in You abounded in He/She/It abounded in We abounded in You abounded in They abounded in |
Perfect | |
ego abundavi tu abundavisti, abundasti... ille abundavit nos abundavĭmus vos abundavistis, abundastis... illi abundavērunt, abundarunt, abundavere... | I have abounded in You have abounded in He/She/It has abounded in We have abounded in You have abounded in They have abounded in |
PlusPerfect | |
ego abundavĕram, abundaram... tu abundavĕras, abundaras... ille abundavĕrat, abundarat... nos abundaverāmus, abundaramus... vos abundaverātis, abundaratis... illi abundaverant, abundarant... | I had abounded in You had abounded in He/She/It had abounded in We had abounded in You had abounded in They had abounded in |
Plusperfect | |
ego abundavi tu abundavisti, abundasti... ille abundavit nos abundavĭmus vos abundavistis, abundastis... illi abundavērunt, abundarunt, abundavere... | |
Pluperfect | |
ego abundavĕram, abundaram... tu abundavĕras, abundaras... ille abundavĕrat, abundarat... nos abundaverāmus, abundaramus... vos abundaverātis, abundaratis... illi abundaverant, abundarant... | I had abounded in You had abounded in He/She/It had abounded in We had abounded in You had abounded in They had abounded in |
Future | |
ego abundābo tu abundābis ille abundābit nos abundabĭmus vos abundabĭtis illi abundābunt | I will abound in You will abound in He/She/It will abound in We will abound in You will abound in They will abound in |
Future perfect | |
ego abundavĕro, abundaro... tu abundavĕris, abundaris... ille abundavĕrit, abundarit... nos abundaverĭmus, abundarimus... vos abundaverĭtis, abundaritis... illi abundavĕrint, abundarint... | I will have abounded in You will have abounded in He/She/It will have abounded in We will have abounded in You will have abounded in They will have abounded in |
Present | |
ego abundem tu abundes ille abundet nos abundēmus vos abundētis illi abundent | I (that )may abound in You (that )may abound in He/She/It (that )may abound in We (that )may abound in You (that )may abound in They (that )may abound in |
Imperfect | |
ego abundārem tu abundāres ille abundāret nos abundarēmus vos abundarētis illi abundārent | I (that )might abound in You (that )might abound in He/She/It (that )might abound in We (that )might abound in You (that )might abound in They (that )might abound in |
Perfect | |
ego abundavĕrim, abundarim... tu abundavĕris, abundaris... ille abundavĕrit, abundarit... nos abundaverĭmus, abundarimus... vos abundaverĭtis, abundaritis... illi abundavĕrint, abundarint... | I (whether) abounded in You (whether) abounded in He/She/It (whether) abounded in We (whether) abounded in You (whether) abounded in They (whether) abounded in |
Pluperfect | |
ego abundavissem, abundassem... tu abundavisses, abundasses... ille abundavisset, abundasset... nos abundavissēmus, abundassemus... vos abundavissētis, abundassetis... illi abundavissent, abundassent... | I (whether) had abounded in You (whether) had abounded in He/She/It (whether) had abounded in We (whether) had abounded in You (whether) had abounded in They (whether) had abounded in |
Present | |
ego abundārem tu abundāres ille abundāret nos abundarēmus vos abundarētis illi abundārent | I would abound in You would abound in He/She/It would abound in We would abound in You would abound in They would abound in |
Perfect | |
ego abundavissem, abundassem... tu abundavisses, abundasses... ille abundavisset, abundasset... nos abundavissēmus, abundassemus... vos abundavissētis, abundassetis... illi abundavissent, abundassent... | I would have abounded in You would have abounded in He/She/It would have abounded in We would have abounded in You would have abounded in They would have abounded in |
Present | |
abunda abundate Future abundato abundato abundatote abundanto | you abound in you abound in you shall abound in he,she,it shall abound in you shall abound in they shall abound in |
Present | |
abundāre | to abound in |
Perfect | |
abundavisse, abundasse... | to have abounded in |
Future | |
abundaturum esse, abundaturam esse, abundaturum esse, abundaturos esse, abundaturas esse, abundatura esse... | to be about to abound in |
abundandi, abundando, abundandum, abundando... | of abounding in to, for abounding in abounding in by.. abounding in |
abundatum | to abound in |
PARTICIPLE | meaning |
Present | abounding |
Masculine | |
Singolare | Plurale |
Nom.abundans Gen.abundantis Dat.abundanti Acc.abundantem Voc.abundans Abl.abundante, abundanti... | abundantes abundantium abundantibus abundantes abundantes abundantibus |
Feminine | |
Nom.abundans Gen.abundantis Dat.abundanti Acc.abundantem Voc.abundans Abl.abundante, abundanti... | abundantes abundantium abundantibus abundantes abundantes abundantibus |
Neuter | |
Nom.abundans Gen.abundantis Dat.abundanti Acc.abundans Voc.abundans Abl.abundante, abundanti... | abundantia abundantium abundantibus abundantia abundantia abundantibus |
PARTICIPLE | meaning |
Future | about to abound |
Masculine | |
Singolare | Plurale |
Nom.abundaturus Gen.abundaturi Dat.abundaturo Acc.abundaturum Voc.abundature Abl.abundaturo | abundaturi abundaturorum abundaturis abundaturos abundaturi abundaturis |
Feminine | |
Nom.abundatura Gen.abundaturae Dat.abundaturae Acc.abundaturam Voc.abundatura Abl.abundatura | abundaturae abundaturarum abundaturis abundaturas abundaturae abundaturis |
Neuter | |
Nom.abundaturum Gen.abundaturi Dat.abundaturo Acc.abundaturum Voc.abundaturum Abl.abundaturo | abundatura abundaturorum abundaturis abundatura abundatura abundaturis |
Conjugation of: abundatur, abundabatur, abundatum est, - , conjugation: 1 - intransitivo - Impersonale (Ita) = abbondare, intr., (eng) = abound in, be rich,   (esp) = desbordar, abundar, lang. Latino |
Present | |
abundatur | abounds in |
Imperfect | |
abundabatur | was abounding in |
Perfect | |
abundatum est | abounded in |
Perfect | |
abundatum est | has abounded in |
PlusPerfect | |
abundatum erat | had abounded in |
Plusperfect | |
abundatum est | |
Pluperfect | |
abundatum erat | had abounded in |
Future | |
abundabitur | will abound in |
Future perfect | |
abundatum erit | will have abounded in |
Present | |
abundetur | (that )may abound in |
Imperfect | |
abundaretur | (that )might abound in |
Perfect | |
abundatum sit | (whether) abounded in |
Pluperfect | |
abundatum esset | (whether) had abounded in |
Present | |
abundaretur | would abound in |
Perfect | |
abundatum esset | would have abounded in |