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English versionEn

Spanish versionEs
Indice delle schede di Italiano
Vocaboli trovati:
cooptare = to co-opt ... INFINITO Presente 1 pers. sing.
(Di seguito i dettagli)

Considera anche: <>
to co-opt
Coniugazione di: cooptare, coopto
coniugazione: -1 - transitivo - attiva
Io coopto
Tu coopti
Egli/Ella/Esso coopta
Noi cooptiamo
Voi cooptate
Essi/Esse/Loro cooptano
I co-opt
You co-opt
He/She/It co-opts
We co-opt
You co-opt
They co-opt
Io cooptavo
Tu cooptavi
Egli/Ella/Esso cooptava
Noi cooptavamo
Voi cooptavate
Essi/Esse/Loro cooptavano
I was co-opting
You were co-opting
He/She/It was co-opting
We were co-opting
You were co-opting
They were co-opting
Io cooptai
Tu cooptasti
Egli/Ella/Esso cooptò
Noi cooptammo
Voi cooptaste
Essi/Esse/Loro cooptarono
I co-opted
You co-opted
He/She/It co-opted
We co-opted
You co-opted
They co-opted
Passato prossimo
Io ho cooptato
Tu hai cooptato
Egli/Ella/Esso ha cooptato
Noi abbiamo cooptato
Voi avete cooptato
Essi/Esse/Loro hanno cooptato
I have co-opted
You have co-opted
He/She/It has co-opted
We have co-opted
You have co-opted
They have co-opted
Trapassato prossimo
Io avevo cooptato
Tu avevi cooptato
Egli/Ella/Esso aveva cooptato
Noi avevamo cooptato
Voi avevate cooptato
Essi/Esse/Loro avevano cooptato
I had co-opted
You had co-opted
He/She/It had co-opted
We had co-opted
You had co-opted
They had co-opted
Trapassato remoto
Io ebbi cooptato
Tu avesti cooptato
Egli/Ella/Esso ebbe cooptato
Noi avemmo cooptato
Voi aveste cooptato
Essi/Esse/Loro ebbero cooptato
I had co-opted
You had co-opted
He/She/It had co-opted
We had co-opted
You had co-opted
They had co-opted
Futuro semplice
Io coopterò
Tu coopterai
Egli/Ella/Esso coopterà
Noi coopteremo
Voi coopterete
Essi/Esse/Loro coopteranno
I will co-opt
You will co-opt
He/She/It will co-opt
We will co-opt
You will co-opt
They will co-opt
Futuro anteriore
Io avrò cooptato
Tu avrai cooptato
Egli/Ella/Esso avrà cooptato
Noi avremo cooptato
Voi avrete cooptato
Essi/Esse/Loro avranno cooptato
I will have co-opted
You will have co-opted
He/She/It will have co-opted
We will have co-opted
You will have co-opted
They will have co-opted
Io coopti
Tu coopti
Egli/Ella/Esso coopti
Noi cooptiamo
Voi cooptiate
Essi/Esse/Loro cooptino
I (that )may co-opt
You (that )may co-opt
He/She/It (that )may co-opt
We (that )may co-opt
You (that )may co-opt
They (that )may co-opt
Io cooptassi
Tu cooptassi
Egli/Ella/Esso cooptasse
Noi cooptassimo
Voi cooptaste
Essi/Esse/Loro cooptassero
I (that )might co-opt
You (that )might co-opt
He/She/It (that )might co-opt
We (that )might co-opt
You (that )might co-opt
They (that )might co-opt
Io abbia cooptato
Tu abbia cooptato
Egli/Ella/Esso abbia cooptato
Noi abbiamo cooptato
Voi abbiate cooptato
Essi/Esse/Loro abbiano cooptato
I (whether) co-opted
You (whether) co-opted
He/She/It (whether) co-opted
We (whether) co-opted
You (whether) co-opted
They (whether) co-opted
Io avessi cooptato
Tu avessi cooptato
Egli/Ella/Esso avesse cooptato
Noi avessimo cooptato
Voi aveste cooptato
Essi/Esse/Loro avessero cooptato
I (whether) had co-opted
You (whether) had co-opted
He/She/It (whether) had co-opted
We (whether) had co-opted
You (whether) had co-opted
They (whether) had co-opted
Io coopterei
Tu coopteresti
Egli/Ella/Esso coopterebbe
Noi coopteremmo
Voi cooptereste
Essi/Esse/Loro coopterebbero
I would co-opt
You would co-opt
He/She/It would co-opt
We would co-opt
You would co-opt
They would co-opt
Io avrei cooptato
Tu avresti cooptato
Egli/Ella/Esso avrebbe cooptato
Noi avremmo cooptato
Voi avreste cooptato
Essi/Esse/Loro avrebbero cooptato
I would have co-opted
You would have co-opted
He/She/It would have co-opted
We would have co-opted
You would have co-opted
They would have co-opted
Io -
Tu coopta
Egli/Ella/Esso coopti
Noi cooptiamo
Voi cooptate
Essi/Esse/Loro cooptino
let me co-opt
let him co-opt
let us co-opt
let them co-opt
cooptato cooptati...
to co-opt
avere cooptato
have co-opted
avendo cooptato
having co-opted
Coniugazione di: essere cooptato, sono cooptato sono cooptata...
coniugazione: -1 - transitivo - passiva
Io sono cooptato sono cooptata...
Tu sei cooptato sei cooptata...
Egli/Ella/Esso è cooptato è cooptata...
Noi siamo cooptati siamo cooptate...
Voi siete cooptati siete cooptate...
Essi/Esse/Loro sono cooptati sono cooptate...
I am co-opted
You are co-opted
He/She/It is co-opted
We are co-opted
You are co-opted
They are co-opted
Io ero cooptato ero cooptata...
Tu eri cooptato eri cooptata...
Egli/Ella/Esso era cooptato era cooptata...
Noi eravamo cooptati eravamo cooptate...
Voi eravate cooptati eravate cooptate...
Essi/Esse/Loro erano cooptati erano cooptate...
I was being co-opted
You were being co-opted
He/She/It was being co-opted
We were being co-opted
You were being co-opted
They were being co-opted
Io fui cooptato fui cooptata...
Tu fosti cooptato fosti cooptata...
Egli/Ella/Esso fu cooptato fu cooptata...
Noi fummo cooptati fummo cooptate...
Voi foste cooptati foste cooptate...
Essi/Esse/Loro furono cooptati furono cooptate...
I was co-opted
You were co-opted
He/She/It was co-opted
We were co-opted
You were co-opted
They were co-opted
Passato prossimo
Io sono stato cooptato sono stata cooptata...
Tu sei stato cooptato sei stata cooptata...
Egli/Ella/Esso è stato cooptato è stata cooptata...
Noi siamo stati cooptati siamo state cooptate...
Voi siete stati cooptati siete state cooptate...
Essi/Esse/Loro sono stati cooptati sono state cooptate...
I have been co-opted
You have been co-opted
He/She/It has been co-opted
We have been co-opted
You have been co-opted
They have been co-opted
Trapassato prossimo
Io ero stato cooptato ero stata cooptata...
Tu eri stato cooptato eri stata cooptata...
Egli/Ella/Esso era stato cooptato era stata cooptata...
Noi eravamo stati cooptati eravamo state cooptate...
Voi eravate stati cooptati eravate state cooptate...
Essi/Esse/Loro erano stati cooptati erano state cooptate...
I had been co-opted
You had been co-opted
He/She/It had been co-opted
We had been co-opted
You had been co-opted
They had been co-opted
Trapassato remoto
Io fui stato cooptato fui stata cooptata...
Tu fosti stato cooptato fosti stata cooptata...
Egli/Ella/Esso fu stato cooptato fu stata cooptata...
Noi fummo stati cooptati fummo state cooptate...
Voi foste stati cooptati foste state cooptate...
Essi/Esse/Loro furono stati cooptati furono state cooptate...
I had been co-opted
You had been co-opted
He/She/It had been co-opted
We had been co-opted
You had been co-opted
They had been co-opted
Futuro semplice
Io sarò cooptato sarò cooptata...
Tu sarai cooptato sarai cooptata...
Egli/Ella/Esso sarà cooptato sarà cooptata...
Noi saremo cooptati saremo cooptate...
Voi sarete cooptati sarete cooptate...
Essi/Esse/Loro saranno cooptati saranno cooptate...
I will be co-opted
You will be co-opted
He/She/It will be co-opted
We will be co-opted
You will be co-opted
They will be co-opted
Futuro anteriore
Io sarò stato cooptato sarò stata cooptata...
Tu sarai stato cooptato sarai stata cooptata...
Egli/Ella/Esso sarà stato cooptato sarà stata cooptata...
Noi saremo stati cooptati saremo state cooptate...
Voi sarete stati cooptati sarete state cooptate...
Essi/Esse/Loro saranno stati cooptati saranno state cooptate...
I will have been co-opted
You will have been co-opted
He/She/It will have been co-opted
We will have been co-opted
You will have been co-opted
They will have been co-opted
Io sia cooptato sia cooptata...
Tu sia cooptato sia cooptata...
Egli/Ella/Esso sia cooptato sia cooptata...
Noi siamo cooptati siamo cooptate...
Voi siate cooptati siate cooptate...
Essi/Esse/Loro siano cooptati siano cooptate...
I (that )may be co-opted
You (that )may be co-opted
He/She/It (that )may be co-opted
We (that )may be co-opted
You (that )may be co-opted
They (that )may be co-opted
Io fossi cooptato fossi cooptata...
Tu fossi cooptato fossi cooptata...
Egli/Ella/Esso fosse cooptato fosse cooptata...
Noi fossimo cooptati fossimo cooptate...
Voi foste cooptati foste cooptate...
Essi/Esse/Loro fossero cooptati fossero cooptate...
I (that )might be co-opted
You (that )might be co-opted
He/She/It (that )might be co-opted
We (that )might be co-opted
You (that )might be co-opted
They (that )might be co-opted
Io sia stato cooptato sia stata cooptata...
Tu sia stato cooptato sia stata cooptata...
Egli/Ella/Esso sia stato cooptato sia stata cooptata...
Noi siamo stati cooptati siamo state cooptate...
Voi siate stati cooptati siate state cooptate...
Essi/Esse/Loro siano stati cooptati siano state cooptate...
I (whether) was co-opted
You (whether) were co-opted
He/She/It (whether) was co-opted
We (whether) were co-opted
You (whether) were co-opted
They (whether) were co-opted
Io fossi stato cooptato fossi stata cooptata...
Tu fossi stato cooptato fossi stata cooptata...
Egli/Ella/Esso fosse stato cooptato fosse stata cooptata...
Noi fossimo stati cooptati fossimo state cooptate...
Voi foste stati cooptati foste state cooptate...
Essi/Esse/Loro fossero stati cooptati fossero state cooptate...
I (whether) had been co-opted
You (whether) had been co-opted
He/She/It (whether) had been co-opted
We (whether) had been co-opted
You (whether) had been co-opted
They (whether) had been co-opted
Io sarei cooptato sarei cooptata...
Tu saresti cooptato saresti cooptata...
Egli/Ella/Esso sarebbe cooptato sarebbe cooptata...
Noi saremmo cooptati saremmo cooptate...
Voi sareste cooptati sareste cooptate...
Essi/Esse/Loro sarebbero cooptati sarebbero cooptate...
I would be co-opt
You would be co-opt
He/She/It would be co-opt
We would be co-opt
You would be co-opt
They would be co-opt
Io sarei stato cooptato sarei stata cooptata...
Tu saresti stato cooptato saresti stata cooptata...
Egli/Ella/Esso sarebbe stato cooptato sarebbe stata cooptata...
Noi saremmo stati cooptati saremmo state cooptate...
Voi sareste stati cooptati sareste state cooptate...
Essi/Esse/Loro sarebbero stati cooptati sarebbero state cooptate...
I would have been co-opted
You would have been co-opted
He/She/It would have been co-opted
We would have been co-opted
You would have been co-opted
They would have been co-opted
Io sarà cooptato sarà cooptata...
Tu saremo cooptati saremo cooptate...
Egli/Ella/Esso sarete cooptati sarete cooptate...
Noi saranno cooptati saranno cooptate...
Voi essendo cooptato essendo cooptata...
Essi/Esse/Loro sono stato cooptato sono stata cooptata...
(that )may be co-opted
(that )may be co-opted
(that )may be co-opted
(that )may be co-opted
(that )may be co-opted
(that )may be co-opted
sei stato cooptato sei stata cooptata...
being co-opted
cooptato cooptati, cooptata, cooptate...
essere cooptato essere cooptata...
to to be co-opted
essere stato cooptato essere stata cooptata...
have been co-opted
essendo cooptato essendo cooptata...
being co-opted
essendo stato cooptato essendo stata cooptata...
having been co-opted

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