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Coniugazione completa di

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English versionEn

Spanish versionEs
Indice delle schede di Italiano
Vocaboli trovati:
(Di seguito i dettagli)
- Coniugazione completa di arrestare arrestarsi = arrestare: Verbo riflessivo/pronominale INDICATIVO Presente
- Coniugazione completa di arrestarsi Forma attiva
Considera anche: halt check block pause stay stem staunch arrest apprehend nick <>
Coniugazione di: arrestare, arresto
coniugazione: -1 - transitivo - riflessiva
Io mi arresto
Tu ti arresti
Egli/Ella/Esso si arresta
Noi ci arrestiamo
Voi vi arrestate
Essi/Esse/Loro si arrestano
I stop myself
You stop youself
He/She/It stops himself, herself, itself...
We stop ourself
You stop yourselves
They stop themselves
Io mi arrestavo
Tu ti arrestavi
Egli/Ella/Esso si arrestava
Noi ci arrestavamo
Voi vi arrestavate
Essi/Esse/Loro si arrestavano
I was stoping myself
You were stoping youself
He/She/It was stoping himself, herself, itself...
We were stoping ourself
You were stoping yourselves
They were stoping themselves
Io mi arrestai
Tu ti arrestasti
Egli/Ella/Esso si arrestò
Noi ci arrestammo
Voi vi arrestaste
Essi/Esse/Loro si arrestarono
I stoped myself
You stoped youself
He/She/It stoped himself, herself, itself...
We stoped ourself
You stoped yourselves
They stoped themselves
Passato prossimo
Io mi sono arrestato, mi sono arrestata
Tu ti sei arrestato, ti sei arrestata
Egli/Ella/Esso si è arrestato, si è arrestata
Noi ci siamo arrestati, ci siamo arrestate
Voi vi siete arrestati, vi siete arrestate
Essi/Esse/Loro si sono arrestati, si sono arrestate
I have stoped myself
You have stoped youself
He/She/It has stoped himself, herself, itself...
We have stoped ourself
You have stoped yourselves
They have stoped themselves
Trapassato prossimo
Io mi ero arrestato, mi ero arrestata
Tu ti eri arrestato, ti eri arrestata
Egli/Ella/Esso si era arrestato, si era arrestata
Noi ci eravamo arrestati, ci eravamo arrestate
Voi vi eravate arrestati, vi eravate arrestate
Essi/Esse/Loro si erano arrestati, si erano arrestate
I had stoped myself
You had stoped youself
He/She/It had stoped himself, herself, itself...
We had stoped ourself
You had stoped yourselves
They had stoped themselves
Trapassato remoto
Io mi fui arrestato, mi fui arrestata
Tu ti fosti arrestato, ti fosti arrestata
Egli/Ella/Esso si fu arrestato, si fu arrestata
Noi ci fummo arrestati, ci fummo arrestate
Voi vi foste arrestati, vi foste arrestate
Essi/Esse/Loro si furono arrestati, si furono arrestate
I had stoped myself
You had stoped youself
He/She/It had stoped himself, herself, itself...
We had stoped ourself
You had stoped yourselves
They had stoped themselves
Futuro semplice
Io mi arresterò
Tu ti arresterai
Egli/Ella/Esso si arresterà
Noi ci arresteremo
Voi vi arresterete
Essi/Esse/Loro si arresteranno
I will stop myself
You will stop youself
He/She/It will stop himself, herself, itself...
We will stop ourself
You will stop yourselves
They will stop themselves
Futuro anteriore
Io mi sarò arrestato, mi sarò arrestata
Tu ti sarai arrestato, ti sarai arrestata
Egli/Ella/Esso si sarà arrestato, si sarà arrestata
Noi ci saremo arrestati, ci saremo arrestate
Voi vi sarete arrestati, vi sarete arrestate
Essi/Esse/Loro si saranno arrestati, si saranno arrestate
I will have stoped myself
You will have stoped youself
He/She/It will have stoped himself, herself, itself...
We will have stoped ourself
You will have stoped yourselves
They will have stoped themselves
Io mi arresti
Tu ti arresti
Egli/Ella/Esso si arresti
Noi ci arrestiamo
Voi vi arrestiate
Essi/Esse/Loro si arrestino
I (that )may stop myself
You (that )may stop youself
He/She/It (that )may stop himself, herself, itself...
We (that )may stop ourself
You (that )may stop yourselves
They (that )may stop themselves
Io mi arrestassi
Tu ti arrestassi
Egli/Ella/Esso si arrestasse
Noi ci arrestassimo
Voi vi arrestaste
Essi/Esse/Loro si arrestassero
I (that )might stop myself
You (that )might stop youself
He/She/It (that )might stop himself, herself, itself...
We (that )might stop ourself
You (that )might stop yourselves
They (that )might stop themselves
Io mi sia arrestato, mi sia arrestata
Tu ti sia arrestato, ti sia arrestata
Egli/Ella/Esso si sia arrestato, si sia arrestata
Noi ci siamo arrestati, ci siamo arrestate
Voi vi siate arrestati, vi siate arrestate
Essi/Esse/Loro si siano arrestati, si siano arrestate
I (whether) stoped myself
You (whether) stoped youself
He/She/It (whether) stoped himself, herself, itself...
We (whether) stoped ourself
You (whether) stoped yourselves
They (whether) stoped themselves
Io mi fossi arrestato, mi fossi arrestata
Tu ti fossi arrestato, ti fossi arrestata
Egli/Ella/Esso si fosse arrestato, si fosse arrestata
Noi ci fossimo arrestati, ci fossimo arrestate
Voi vi foste arrestati, vi foste arrestate
Essi/Esse/Loro si fossero arrestati, si fossero arrestate
Io mi arresterei
Tu ti arresteresti
Egli/Ella/Esso si arresterebbe
Noi ci arresteremmo
Voi vi arrestereste
Essi/Esse/Loro si arresterebbero
I would stop myself
You would stop youself
He/She/It would stop himself, herself, itself...
We would stop ourself
You would stop yourselves
They would stop themselves
Io mi sarei arrestato, mi sarei arrestata
Tu ti saresti arrestato, ti saresti arrestata
Egli/Ella/Esso si sarebbe arrestato, si sarebbe arrestata
Noi ci saremmo arrestati, ci saremmo arrestate
Voi vi sareste arrestati, vi sareste arrestate
Essi/Esse/Loro si sarebbero arrestati, si sarebbero arrestate
I would have stoped myself
You would have stoped youself
He/She/It would have stoped himself, herself, itself...
We would have stoped ourself
You would have stoped yourselves
They would have stoped themselves
Io mi -
Tu ti arresta
Egli/Ella/Esso si arresti
Noi ci arrestiamo
Voi vi arrestate
Essi/Esse/Loro si arrestino
let me stop myself
stop youself
let him stop himself, herself, itself...
let us stop ourself
stop yourselves
let them stop themselves
stoping myself
arrestato arrestati...
stoped myself
to stop myself
avere arrestato
have stoped myself
stoping myself
avendo arrestato
having stoped myself

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