Present | |
I wanton You wanton He/She/It wantons We wanton You wanton They wanton
| Yo juego Tu juegas El/Ella/Eso juega Nosotros jugamos Vosotros jugáis Ellos/Ellas/Esos juegan
Imperfect | |
I was wantoning You were wantoning He/She/It was wantoning We were wantoning You were wantoning They were wantoning
| Yo jugaba Tu jugabas El/Ella/Eso jugaba Nosotros jugabamos Vosotros jugabais Ellos/Ellas/Esos jugaban
Perfect | |
I wantoned You wantoned He/She/It wantoned We wantoned You wantoned They wantoned
| Yo jugué Tu jugaste El/Ella/Eso jugó Nosotros jugamos Vosotros jugasteis Ellos/Ellas/Esos jugaron
Perfect | |
I have wantoned You have wantoned He/She/It has wantoned We have wantoned You have wantoned They have wantoned
| Yo he jugado Tu has jugado El/Ella/Eso ha jugado Nosotros hemos jugado Vosotros habéis jugado Ellos/Ellas/Esos han jugado
PlusPerfect | |
I had wantoned You had wantoned He/She/It had wantoned We had wantoned You had wantoned They had wantoned
| Yo había jugado Tu habías jugado El/Ella/Eso había jugado Nosotros habíamos jugado Vosotros habíais jugado Ellos/Ellas/Esos habían jugado
Plusperfect | |
I had wantoned You had wantoned He/She/It had wantoned We had wantoned You had wantoned They had wantoned
| Yo hube jugado Tu hubiste jugado El/Ella/Eso hubo jugado Nosotros hubimos jugado Vosotros hubisteis jugado Ellos/Ellas/Esos hubieron jugado
Future | |
I will wanton You will wanton He/She/It will wanton We will wanton You will wanton They will wanton
| Yo jugaré Tu jugaras El/Ella/Eso jugará Nosotros jugaremos Vosotros jugareis Ellos/Ellas/Esos jugarán
Future perfect | |
I will have wantoned You will have wantoned He/She/It will have wantoned We will have wantoned You will have wantoned They will have wantoned
| Yo habré jugado Tu habrás jugado El/Ella/Eso habrá jugado Nosotros habremos jugado Vosotros habréis jugado Ellos/Ellas/Esos habrán jugado
Present | |
I (that )may wanton You (that )may wanton He/She/It (that )may wanton We (that )may wanton You (that )may wanton They (that )may wanton
| Yo juegue Tu juegues El/Ella/Eso juegue Nosotros juguemos Vosotros juguéis Ellos/Ellas/Esos jueguen
Imperfect | |
I (that )might wanton You (that )might wanton He/She/It (that )might wanton We (that )might wanton You (that )might wanton They (that )might wanton
| Yo jugara Tu jugaras El/Ella/Eso jugara Nosotros jugáramos Vosotros jugarais Ellos/Ellas/Esos jugaran
Perfect | |
I (whether) wantoned You (whether) wantoned He/She/It (whether) wantoned We (whether) wantoned You (whether) wantoned They (whether) wantoned
| Yo haya jugado Tu hayas jugado El/Ella/Eso haya jugado Nosotros hayamos jugado Vosotros hayáis jugado Ellos/Ellas/Esos hayan jugado
Pluperfect | |
I (whether) had wantoned You (whether) had wantoned He/She/It (whether) had wantoned We (whether) had wantoned You (whether) had wantoned They (whether) had wantoned
| Yo hubiera jugado Tu hubieras jugado El/Ella/Eso hubiera jugado Nosotros hubiéramos jugado Vosotros hubierais jugado Ellos/Ellas/Esos hubieran jugado
Present | |
I would wanton You would wanton He/She/It would wanton We would wanton You would wanton They would wanton
| Yo jugaría Tu jugarías El/Ella/Eso jugaría Nosotros jugaríamos Vosotros jugaríais Ellos/Ellas/Esos jugarían
Perfect | |
I would have wantoned You would have wantoned He/She/It would have wantoned We would have wantoned You would have wantoned They would have wantoned
| Yo habría jugado Tu habrías jugado El/Ella/Eso habría jugado Nosotros habríamos jugado Vosotros habríais jugado Ellos/Ellas/Esos habrían jugado
Present | |
let me wanton wanton let him wanton let us wanton wanton let them wanton
| Yo - Tu juga El/Ella/Eso juge Nosotros jugemos Vosotros jugad Ellos/Ellas/Esos jugen
Present | |
| que juega
Perfect | |
| jugado
Present | |
to wanton
| jugar
Perfect | |
have wantoned
| haber jugado
Present | |
| jugando
Perfect | |
having wantoned
| habiendo jugado