Present | |
I wane You wane He/She/It wanes We wane You wane They wane
| Yo decrezco Tu decreces El/Ella/Eso decrece Nosotros decrecemos Vosotros decrecéis Ellos/Ellas/Esos decrecen
Imperfect | |
I was waning You were waning He/She/It was waning We were waning You were waning They were waning
| Yo decrecía Tu decrecías El/Ella/Eso decrecía Nosotros decrecíamos Vosotros decrecíais Ellos/Ellas/Esos decrecían
Perfect | |
I waned You waned He/She/It waned We waned You waned They waned
| Yo decrecí Tu decreciste El/Ella/Eso decreció Nosotros decrecimos Vosotros decrecisteis Ellos/Ellas/Esos decrecieron
Perfect | |
I have waned You have waned He/She/It has waned We have waned You have waned They have waned
| Yo he decrecido Tu has decrecido El/Ella/Eso ha decrecido Nosotros hemos decrecido Vosotros habéis decrecido Ellos/Ellas/Esos han decrecido
PlusPerfect | |
I had waned You had waned He/She/It had waned We had waned You had waned They had waned
| Yo había decrecido Tu habías decrecido El/Ella/Eso había decrecido Nosotros habíamos decrecido Vosotros habíais decrecido Ellos/Ellas/Esos habían decrecido
Plusperfect | |
I had waned You had waned He/She/It had waned We had waned You had waned They had waned
| Yo hube decrecido Tu hubiste decrecido El/Ella/Eso hubo decrecido Nosotros hubimos decrecido Vosotros hubisteis decrecido Ellos/Ellas/Esos hubieron decrecido
Future | |
I will wane You will wane He/She/It will wane We will wane You will wane They will wane
| Yo decreceré Tu decreceras El/Ella/Eso decrecerá Nosotros decreceremos Vosotros decrecereis Ellos/Ellas/Esos decrecerán
Future perfect | |
I will have waned You will have waned He/She/It will have waned We will have waned You will have waned They will have waned
| Yo habré decrecido Tu habrás decrecido El/Ella/Eso habrá decrecido Nosotros habremos decrecido Vosotros habréis decrecido Ellos/Ellas/Esos habrán decrecido
Present | |
I (that )may wane You (that )may wane He/She/It (that )may wane We (that )may wane You (that )may wane They (that )may wane
| Yo decrezca Tu decrezcas El/Ella/Eso decrezca Nosotros decrezcamos Vosotros decrecáis Ellos/Ellas/Esos decrezcan
Imperfect | |
I (that )might wane You (that )might wane He/She/It (that )might wane We (that )might wane You (that )might wane They (that )might wane
| Yo decreciera Tu decrecieras El/Ella/Eso decreciera Nosotros decreciéramos Vosotros decrecierais Ellos/Ellas/Esos decrecieran
Perfect | |
I (whether) waned You (whether) waned He/She/It (whether) waned We (whether) waned You (whether) waned They (whether) waned
| Yo haya decrecido Tu hayas decrecido El/Ella/Eso haya decrecido Nosotros hayamos decrecido Vosotros hayáis decrecido Ellos/Ellas/Esos hayan decrecido
Pluperfect | |
I (whether) had waned You (whether) had waned He/She/It (whether) had waned We (whether) had waned You (whether) had waned They (whether) had waned
| Yo hubiera decrecido Tu hubieras decrecido El/Ella/Eso hubiera decrecido Nosotros hubiéramos decrecido Vosotros hubierais decrecido Ellos/Ellas/Esos hubieran decrecido
Present | |
I would wane You would wane He/She/It would wane We would wane You would wane They would wane
| Yo decrecería Tu decrecerías El/Ella/Eso decrecería Nosotros decreceríamos Vosotros decreceríais Ellos/Ellas/Esos decrecerían
Perfect | |
I would have waned You would have waned He/She/It would have waned We would have waned You would have waned They would have waned
| Yo habría decrecido Tu habrías decrecido El/Ella/Eso habría decrecido Nosotros habríamos decrecido Vosotros habríais decrecido Ellos/Ellas/Esos habrían decrecido
Present | |
let me wane wane let him wane let us wane wane let them wane
| Yo - Tu decrece El/Ella/Eso decreca Nosotros decrecamos Vosotros decreced Ellos/Ellas/Esos decrecan
Present | |
| que decrece
Perfect | |
| decrecido
Present | |
to wane
| decrecer
Perfect | |
have waned
| haber decrecido
Present | |
| decreciendo
Perfect | |
having waned
| habiendo decrecido