Present | |
I nosedive You nosedive He/She/It nosedives We nosedive You nosedive They nosedive
| Io picchio Tu picchi Egli/Ella/Esso picchia Noi picchiamo Voi picchiate Essi/Esse/Loro picchiano
Imperfect | |
I was nosediving You were nosediving He/She/It was nosediving We were nosediving You were nosediving They were nosediving
| Io picchiavo Tu picchiavi Egli/Ella/Esso picchiava Noi picchiavamo Voi picchiavate Essi/Esse/Loro picchiavano
Perfect | |
I nosedived You nosedived He/She/It nosedived We nosedived You nosedived They nosedived
| Io picchiai Tu picchiasti Egli/Ella/Esso picchiò Noi picchiammo Voi picchiaste Essi/Esse/Loro picchiarono
Perfect | |
I have nosedived You have nosedived He/She/It has nosedived We have nosedived You have nosedived They have nosedived
| Io ho picchiato Tu hai picchiato Egli/Ella/Esso ha picchiato Noi abbiamo picchiato Voi avete picchiato Essi/Esse/Loro hanno picchiato
PlusPerfect | |
I had nosedived You had nosedived He/She/It had nosedived We had nosedived You had nosedived They had nosedived
| Io avevo picchiato Tu avevi picchiato Egli/Ella/Esso aveva picchiato Noi avevamo picchiato Voi avevate picchiato Essi/Esse/Loro avevano picchiato
Plusperfect | |
I had nosedived You had nosedived He/She/It had nosedived We had nosedived You had nosedived They had nosedived
| Io ebbi picchiato Tu avesti picchiato Egli/Ella/Esso ebbe picchiato Noi avemmo picchiato Voi aveste picchiato Essi/Esse/Loro ebbero picchiato
Future | |
I will nosedive You will nosedive He/She/It will nosedive We will nosedive You will nosedive They will nosedive
| Io picchierò Tu picchierai Egli/Ella/Esso picchierà Noi picchieremo Voi picchierete Essi/Esse/Loro picchieranno
Future perfect | |
I will have nosedived You will have nosedived He/She/It will have nosedived We will have nosedived You will have nosedived They will have nosedived
| Io avrò picchiato Tu avrai picchiato Egli/Ella/Esso avrà picchiato Noi avremo picchiato Voi avrete picchiato Essi/Esse/Loro avranno picchiato
Present | |
I (that )may nosedive You (that )may nosedive He/She/It (that )may nosedive We (that )may nosedive You (that )may nosedive They (that )may nosedive
| Io picchi Tu picchi Egli/Ella/Esso picchi Noi picchiamo Voi picchiate Essi/Esse/Loro picchino
Imperfect | |
I (that )might nosedive You (that )might nosedive He/She/It (that )might nosedive We (that )might nosedive You (that )might nosedive They (that )might nosedive
| Io picchiassi Tu picchiassi Egli/Ella/Esso picchiasse Noi picchiassimo Voi picchiaste Essi/Esse/Loro picchiassero
Perfect | |
I (whether) nosedived You (whether) nosedived He/She/It (whether) nosedived We (whether) nosedived You (whether) nosedived They (whether) nosedived
| Io abbia picchiato Tu abbia picchiato Egli/Ella/Esso abbia picchiato Noi abbiamo picchiato Voi abbiate picchiato Essi/Esse/Loro abbiano picchiato
Pluperfect | |
I (whether) had nosedived You (whether) had nosedived He/She/It (whether) had nosedived We (whether) had nosedived You (whether) had nosedived They (whether) had nosedived
| Io avessi picchiato Tu avessi picchiato Egli/Ella/Esso avesse picchiato Noi avessimo picchiato Voi aveste picchiato Essi/Esse/Loro avessero picchiato
Present | |
I would nosedive You would nosedive He/She/It would nosedive We would nosedive You would nosedive They would nosedive
| Io picchierei Tu picchieresti Egli/Ella/Esso picchierebbe Noi picchieremmo Voi picchiereste Essi/Esse/Loro picchierebbero
Perfect | |
I would have nosedived You would have nosedived He/She/It would have nosedived We would have nosedived You would have nosedived They would have nosedived
| Io avrei picchiato Tu avresti picchiato Egli/Ella/Esso avrebbe picchiato Noi avremmo picchiato Voi avreste picchiato Essi/Esse/Loro avrebbero picchiato
Present | |
let me nosedive nosedive let him nosedive let us nosedive nosedive let them nosedive
| Io - Tu picchia Egli/Ella/Esso picchi Noi picchiamo Voi picchiate Essi/Esse/Loro picchino
Present | |
| picchiante
Perfect | |
| picchiato picchiati...
Present | |
to nosedive
| picchiare
Perfect | |
have nosedived
| avere picchiato
Present | |
| picchiando
Perfect | |
having nosedived
| avendo picchiato