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English versionIt

Spanish versionEs
Indice delle schede di Inglese
Words found:
INFINITIVE Present to nose-dive = apalear
I nose-dive =Yo apaleo... INDICATIVE Present 1 pers. sing.
nose-dive =apalea... IMPERATIVE Present 2 pers. sing.
(Details below)
- Full conjugation of nose-dive
I nose-dive
You nose-dive
He/She/It nose-dives
We nose-dive
You nose-dive
They nose-dive
Yo apaleo
Tu apaleas
El/Ella/Eso apalea
Nosotros apaleamos
Vosotros apaleáis
Ellos/Ellas/Esos apalean
let me nose-dive
let him nose-dive
let us nose-dive
let them nose-dive
Yo -
Tu apalea
El/Ella/Eso apalee
Nosotros apaleemos
Vosotros apalead
Ellos/Ellas/Esos apaleen
Conjugation of: nose-dive , nose-dived , nose-dived
transitivo - attiva
I nose-dive
You nose-dive
He/She/It nose-dives
We nose-dive
You nose-dive
They nose-dive
Yo apaleo
Tu apaleas
El/Ella/Eso apalea
Nosotros apaleamos
Vosotros apaleáis
Ellos/Ellas/Esos apalean
I was nose-diving
You were nose-diving
He/She/It was nose-diving
We were nose-diving
You were nose-diving
They were nose-diving
Yo apaleaba
Tu apaleabas
El/Ella/Eso apaleaba
Nosotros apaleabamos
Vosotros apaleabais
Ellos/Ellas/Esos apaleaban
I nose-dived
You nose-dived
He/She/It nose-dived
We nose-dived
You nose-dived
They nose-dived
Yo apaleé
Tu apaleaste
El/Ella/Eso apaleó
Nosotros apaleamos
Vosotros apaleasteis
Ellos/Ellas/Esos apalearon
I have nose-dived
You have nose-dived
He/She/It has nose-dived
We have nose-dived
You have nose-dived
They have nose-dived
Yo he apaleado
Tu has apaleado
El/Ella/Eso ha apaleado
Nosotros hemos apaleado
Vosotros habéis apaleado
Ellos/Ellas/Esos han apaleado
I had nose-dived
You had nose-dived
He/She/It had nose-dived
We had nose-dived
You had nose-dived
They had nose-dived
Yo había apaleado
Tu habías apaleado
El/Ella/Eso había apaleado
Nosotros habíamos apaleado
Vosotros habíais apaleado
Ellos/Ellas/Esos habían apaleado
I had nose-dived
You had nose-dived
He/She/It had nose-dived
We had nose-dived
You had nose-dived
They had nose-dived
Yo hube apaleado
Tu hubiste apaleado
El/Ella/Eso hubo apaleado
Nosotros hubimos apaleado
Vosotros hubisteis apaleado
Ellos/Ellas/Esos hubieron apaleado
I will nose-dive
You will nose-dive
He/She/It will nose-dive
We will nose-dive
You will nose-dive
They will nose-dive
Yo apalearé
Tu apalearas
El/Ella/Eso apaleará
Nosotros apalearemos
Vosotros apaleareis
Ellos/Ellas/Esos apalearán
Future perfect
I will have nose-dived
You will have nose-dived
He/She/It will have nose-dived
We will have nose-dived
You will have nose-dived
They will have nose-dived
Yo habré apaleado
Tu habrás apaleado
El/Ella/Eso habrá apaleado
Nosotros habremos apaleado
Vosotros habréis apaleado
Ellos/Ellas/Esos habrán apaleado
I (that )may nose-dive
You (that )may nose-dive
He/She/It (that )may nose-dive
We (that )may nose-dive
You (that )may nose-dive
They (that )may nose-dive
Yo apalee
Tu apalees
El/Ella/Eso apalee
Nosotros apaleemos
Vosotros apaleéis
Ellos/Ellas/Esos apaleen
I (that )might nose-dive
You (that )might nose-dive
He/She/It (that )might nose-dive
We (that )might nose-dive
You (that )might nose-dive
They (that )might nose-dive
Yo apaleara
Tu apalearas
El/Ella/Eso apaleara
Nosotros apaleáramos
Vosotros apalearais
Ellos/Ellas/Esos apalearan
I (whether) nose-dived
You (whether) nose-dived
He/She/It (whether) nose-dived
We (whether) nose-dived
You (whether) nose-dived
They (whether) nose-dived
Yo haya apaleado
Tu hayas apaleado
El/Ella/Eso haya apaleado
Nosotros hayamos apaleado
Vosotros hayáis apaleado
Ellos/Ellas/Esos hayan apaleado
I (whether) had nose-dived
You (whether) had nose-dived
He/She/It (whether) had nose-dived
We (whether) had nose-dived
You (whether) had nose-dived
They (whether) had nose-dived
Yo hubiera apaleado
Tu hubieras apaleado
El/Ella/Eso hubiera apaleado
Nosotros hubiéramos apaleado
Vosotros hubierais apaleado
Ellos/Ellas/Esos hubieran apaleado
I would nose-dive
You would nose-dive
He/She/It would nose-dive
We would nose-dive
You would nose-dive
They would nose-dive
Yo apalearía
Tu apalearías
El/Ella/Eso apalearía
Nosotros apalearíamos
Vosotros apalearíais
Ellos/Ellas/Esos apalearían
I would have nose-dived
You would have nose-dived
He/She/It would have nose-dived
We would have nose-dived
You would have nose-dived
They would have nose-dived
Yo habría apaleado
Tu habrías apaleado
El/Ella/Eso habría apaleado
Nosotros habríamos apaleado
Vosotros habríais apaleado
Ellos/Ellas/Esos habrían apaleado
let me nose-dive
let him nose-dive
let us nose-dive
let them nose-dive
Yo -
Tu apalea
El/Ella/Eso apalee
Nosotros apaleemos
Vosotros apalead
Ellos/Ellas/Esos apaleen
que apalea
to nose-dive
have nose-dived
haber apaleado
having nose-dived
habiendo apaleado
Conjugation of: to be nose-dived , was nose-dived , nose-dived
transitivo - passiva
I am nose-dived
You are nose-dived
He/She/It is nose-dived
We are nose-dived
You are nose-dived
They are nose-dived
Yo soy apaleado soy apaleada...
Tu eres apaleado eres apaleada...
El/Ella/Eso es apaleado es apaleada...
Nosotros somos apaleados somos apaleadas...
Vosotros seis apaleados seis apaleadas...
Ellos/Ellas/Esos son apaleados son apaleadas...
I was being nose-dived
You were being nose-dived
He/She/It was being nose-dived
We were being nose-dived
You were being nose-dived
They were being nose-dived
Yo era apaleado era apaleada...
Tu eras apaleado eras apaleada...
El/Ella/Eso era apaleado era apaleada...
Nosotros èramos apaleados èramos apaleadas...
Vosotros erais apaleados erais apaleadas...
Ellos/Ellas/Esos eran apaleados eran apaleadas...
I was nose-dived
You were nose-dived
He/She/It was nose-dived
We were nose-dived
You were nose-dived
They were nose-dived
Yo fui apaleado fui apaleada...
Tu fuiste apaleado fuiste apaleada...
El/Ella/Eso fue apaleado fue apaleada...
Nosotros fuimos apaleados fuimos apaleadas...
Vosotros fuisteis apaleados fuisteis apaleadas...
Ellos/Ellas/Esos fueron apaleados fueron apaleadas...
I have been nose-dived
You have been nose-dived
He/She/It has been nose-dived
We have been nose-dived
You have been nose-dived
They have been nose-dived
Yo he sido apaleado he sido apaleada...
Tu has sido apaleado has sido apaleada...
El/Ella/Eso ha sido apaleado ha sido apaleada...
Nosotros hemos sido apaleados hemos sido apaleadas...
Vosotros habèis sido apaleados habèis sido apaleadas...
Ellos/Ellas/Esos han sido apaleados han sido apaleadas...
I had been nose-dived
You had been nose-dived
He/She/It had been nose-dived
We had been nose-dived
You had been nose-dived
They had been nose-dived
Yo había sido apaleado había sido apaleada...
Tu habías sido apaleado habías sido apaleada...
El/Ella/Eso había sido apaleado había sido apaleada...
Nosotros habíamos sido apaleados habíamos sido apaleadas...
Vosotros habías sido apaleados habías sido apaleadas...
Ellos/Ellas/Esos habían sido apaleados habían sido apaleadas...
I had been nose-dived
You had been nose-dived
He/She/It had been nose-dived
We had been nose-dived
You had been nose-dived
They had been nose-dived
Yo hube sido apaleado hube sido apaleada...
Tu hubiste sido apaleado hubiste sido apaleada...
El/Ella/Eso hubo sido apaleado hubo sido apaleada...
Nosotros hubimos sido apaleados hubimos sido apaleadas...
Vosotros hubisteis sido apaleados hubisteis sido apaleadas...
Ellos/Ellas/Esos hubieron sido apaleados hubieron sido apaleadas...
I will be nose-dived
You will be nose-dived
He/She/It will be nose-dived
We will be nose-dived
You will be nose-dived
They will be nose-dived
Yo seré apaleado seré apaleada...
Tu serás apaleado serás apaleada...
El/Ella/Eso será apaleado será apaleada...
Nosotros seremos apaleados seremos apaleadas...
Vosotros sereis apaleados sereis apaleadas...
Ellos/Ellas/Esos serán apaleados serán apaleadas...
Future perfect
I will have been nose-dived
You will have been nose-dived
He/She/It will have been nose-dived
We will have been nose-dived
You will have been nose-dived
They will have been nose-dived
Yo habrè sido apaleado habrè sido apaleada...
Tu habrás sido apaleado habrás sido apaleada...
El/Ella/Eso habrá sido apaleado habrá sido apaleada...
Nosotros habremos sido apaleados habremos sido apaleadas...
Vosotros habreis sido apaleados habreis sido apaleadas...
Ellos/Ellas/Esos habrán sido apaleados habrán sido apaleadas...
I (that )may be nose-dived
You (that )may be nose-dived
He/She/It (that )may be nose-dived
We (that )may be nose-dived
You (that )may be nose-dived
They (that )may be nose-dived
Yo sea apaleado sea apaleada...
Tu seas apaleado seas apaleada...
El/Ella/Eso sea apaleado sea apaleada...
Nosotros seamos apaleados seamos apaleadas...
Vosotros seáis apaleados seáis apaleadas...
Ellos/Ellas/Esos sean apaleados sean apaleadas...
I (that )might be nose-dived
You (that )might be nose-dived
He/She/It (that )might be nose-dived
We (that )might be nose-dived
You (that )might be nose-dived
They (that )might be nose-dived
Yo fuere apaleado fuere apaleada...
Tu fueres apaleado fueres apaleada...
El/Ella/Eso fuere apaleado fuere apaleada...
Nosotros fuéremos apaleados fuéremos apaleadas...
Vosotros fuereis apaleados fuereis apaleadas...
Ellos/Ellas/Esos fueren apaleados fueren apaleadas...
I (whether) was nose-dived
You (whether) were nose-dived
He/She/It (whether) was nose-dived
We (whether) were nose-dived
You (whether) were nose-dived
They (whether) were nose-dived
Yo haya sido apaleado haya sido apaleada...
Tu hayas sido apaleado hayas sido apaleada...
El/Ella/Eso haya sido apaleado haya sido apaleada...
Nosotros hayamos sido apaleados hayamos sido apaleadas...
Vosotros hayáis sido apaleados hayáis sido apaleadas...
Ellos/Ellas/Esos hayan sido apaleados hayan sido apaleadas...
You have nose-dived
He/She/It has nose-dived
We have nose-dived
You have nose-dived
They have nose-dived
Yo hubiere sido apaleado hubiere sido apaleada...
Tu hubieres sido apaleado hubieres sido apaleada...
El/Ella/Eso hubiere sido apaleado hubiere sido apaleada...
Nosotros hubiéremos sido apaleados hubiéremos sido apaleadas...
Vosotros hubierei sido apaleados hubierei sido apaleadas...
Ellos/Ellas/Esos hubieren sido apaleados hubieren sido apaleadas...
I would be nose-dive
You would be nose-dive
He/She/It would be nose-dive
We would be nose-dive
You would be nose-dive
They would be nose-dive
Yo sería apaleado sería apaleada...
Tu serías apaleado serías apaleada...
El/Ella/Eso sería apaleado sería apaleada...
Nosotros seríamos apaleados seríamos apaleadas...
Vosotros seríais apaleados seríais apaleadas...
Ellos/Ellas/Esos serían apaleados serían apaleadas...
I would have been nose-dived
You would have been nose-dived
He/She/It would have been nose-dived
We would have been nose-dived
You would have been nose-dived
They would have been nose-dived
Yo habría sido apaleado habría sido apaleada...
Tu habrías sido apaleado habrías sido apaleada...
El/Ella/Eso habría sido apaleados habría sido apaleadas...
Nosotros habríamos sido apaleados habríamos sido apaleadas...
Vosotros habríais sido apaleados habríais sido apaleadas...
Ellos/Ellas/Esos habrían sido apaleados habrían sido apaleadas...
being nose-dived
having been nose-dived
have been nose-dived
have been nose-dived
has been nose-dived
Yo apaleado apaleados, apaleada, apaleados, apaleado, apaleadas...
Tu siendo apaleado siendo apaleada...
El/Ella/Eso he sido apaleado he sido apaleada...
Nosotros has sido apaleado has sido apaleada...
Vosotros ha sido apaleado ha sido apaleada...
Ellos/Ellas/Esos hemos sido apaleados hemos sido apaleadas...
being nose-dived
habèis sido apaleados habèis sido apaleadas...
apaleado apaleados, apaleada, apaleados, apaleado, apaleadas...
to to be nose-dived
ser apaleado ser apaleada...
have been nose-dived
haber sido apaleado haber sido apaleada...
being nose-dived
siendo apaleado siendo apaleada...
having been nose-dived
habiendo sido apaleado habiendo sido apaleada...
I nose-dive
You nose-dive
He/She/It nose-dives
We nose-dive
You nose-dive
They nose-dive
let me nose-dive
let him nose-dive
let us nose-dive
let them nose-dive
I nose-dive
You nose-dive
He/She/It nose-dives
We nose-dive
You nose-dive
They nose-dive
let me nose-dive
let him nose-dive
let us nose-dive
let them nose-dive

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