Present | |
I hail You hail He/She/It hails We hail You hail They hail
| Io grandino Tu grandini Egli/Ella/Esso grandina Noi grandiniamo Voi grandinate Essi/Esse/Loro grandinano
Imperfect | |
I was hailing You were hailing He/She/It was hailing We were hailing You were hailing They were hailing
| Io grandinavo Tu grandinavi Egli/Ella/Esso grandinava Noi grandinavamo Voi grandinavate Essi/Esse/Loro grandinavano
Perfect | |
I hailed You hailed He/She/It hailed We hailed You hailed They hailed
| Io grandinai Tu grandinasti Egli/Ella/Esso grandinò Noi grandinammo Voi grandinaste Essi/Esse/Loro grandinarono
Perfect | |
I have hailed You have hailed He/She/It has hailed We have hailed You have hailed They have hailed
| Io sono grandinato Tu sei grandinato Egli/Ella/Esso è grandinato Noi siamo grandinati Voi siete grandinati Essi/Esse/Loro sono grandinati
PlusPerfect | |
I had hailed You had hailed He/She/It had hailed We had hailed You had hailed They had hailed
| Io ero grandinato Tu eri grandinato Egli/Ella/Esso era grandinato Noi eravamo grandinati Voi eravate grandinati Essi/Esse/Loro erano grandinati
Plusperfect | |
I had hailed You had hailed He/She/It had hailed We had hailed You had hailed They had hailed
| Io fui grandinato Tu fosti grandinato Egli/Ella/Esso fu grandinato Noi fummo grandinati Voi foste grandinati Essi/Esse/Loro furono grandinati
Future | |
I will hail You will hail He/She/It will hail We will hail You will hail They will hail
| Io grandinerò Tu grandinerai Egli/Ella/Esso grandinerà Noi grandineremo Voi grandinerete Essi/Esse/Loro grandineranno
Future perfect | |
I will have hailed You will have hailed He/She/It will have hailed We will have hailed You will have hailed They will have hailed
| Io sarò grandinato Tu sarai grandinato Egli/Ella/Esso sarà grandinato Noi saremo grandinati Voi sarete grandinati Essi/Esse/Loro saranno grandinati
Present | |
I (that )may hail You (that )may hail He/She/It (that )may hail We (that )may hail You (that )may hail They (that )may hail
| Io grandini Tu grandini Egli/Ella/Esso grandini Noi grandiniamo Voi grandiniate Essi/Esse/Loro grandinino
Imperfect | |
I (that )might hail You (that )might hail He/She/It (that )might hail We (that )might hail You (that )might hail They (that )might hail
| Io grandinassi Tu grandinassi Egli/Ella/Esso grandinasse Noi grandinassimo Voi grandinaste Essi/Esse/Loro grandinassero
Perfect | |
I (whether) hailed You (whether) hailed He/She/It (whether) hailed We (whether) hailed You (whether) hailed They (whether) hailed
| Io sia grandinato Tu sia grandinato Egli/Ella/Esso sia grandinato Noi siamo grandinati Voi siate grandinati Essi/Esse/Loro siano grandinati
Pluperfect | |
I (whether) had hailed You (whether) had hailed He/She/It (whether) had hailed We (whether) had hailed You (whether) had hailed They (whether) had hailed
| Io fossi grandinato Tu fossi grandinato Egli/Ella/Esso fosse grandinato Noi fossimo grandinati Voi foste grandinati Essi/Esse/Loro fossero grandinati
Present | |
I would hail You would hail He/She/It would hail We would hail You would hail They would hail
| Io grandinerei Tu grandineresti Egli/Ella/Esso grandinerebbe Noi grandineremmo Voi grandinereste Essi/Esse/Loro grandinerebbero
Perfect | |
I would have hailed You would have hailed He/She/It would have hailed We would have hailed You would have hailed They would have hailed
| Io sarei grandinato Tu saresti grandinato Egli/Ella/Esso sarebbe grandinato Noi saremmo grandinati Voi sareste grandinati Essi/Esse/Loro sarebbero grandinati
Present | |
let me hail hail let him hail let us hail hail let them hail
| Io - Tu grandina Egli/Ella/Esso grandini Noi grandiniamo Voi grandinate Essi/Esse/Loro grandinino
Present | |
| grandinante
Perfect | |
| grandinato grandinati...
Present | |
to hail
| grandinare
Perfect | |
have hailed
| essere grandinato
Present | |
| grandinando
Perfect | |
having hailed
| essendo grandinato